Chapter 36 - Uncertainties

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When Centipeder called to say they might've found a link between the yakuza and the League, Sir couldn't possibly stay at UA any longer than was absolutely necessary. They'd already uncovered several ties between the yakuza and Jikan, which was the main focus of their investigation, but to have uncovered a trail that could possibly lead to the League of Villains... Well, after what they did in Deika, the Hero Commission would be stupid not to give them the support they needed to complete this mission and apprehend all villains involved.

"We were looking through the yakuza assets to see whether the Jikan is still using any of their locations as hideouts," Centipeder explained as Sir arrived at the agency. "There's a warehouse near the docks the yakuza used to import and export certain goods we thought might be interesting, so we set up hidden cameras at the entrance yesterday and already got a hit. It's... You have to see this for yourself."

"Show me the footage," Sir Nighteye demanded as they walked into his office. His sidekick nodded, preparing the screen and showing the images their cameras managed to capture. Sir's eyes were trained on the screen, darting to the upper corner when he caught a glimpse of movement. A person appeared, making their way into the warehouse. Centipeder paused the clip after they went inside and off screen, waiting for a reaction. "Play it again."

"Sir, it's her-"

"She's dead."

She's dead, it couldn't be her. It had to be a trick of the light, some sort of quirk, something to throw them off their trail. But why use her as a disguise when everyone knew she had died? Why use a disguise at all when no one had noticed the cameras yet..?

"This is impossible."

"We've checked to footage and the camera to see whether it had been tampered with, by the agency's expert," Centipeder said. "This is real."

"It's impossible," Sir repeated, unable to grasp what he just saw. She was dead. There was no way she was walking around carefree after what happened, even if, by some miracle, they managed to save her. Then again, they'd never been able to examine her body... No, it was still impossible. "How long were they inside the warehouse?"

"Half an hour, Sir."

"Do we know what's inside? What they were doing?"

"The place was empty when we checked it, but their could be hidden passageways," Centipeder told him. "Do you want us to set up a camera inside the building too, now that we have a lead to go on?"

"Yes, do it today, let me know if they come back," Sir said, dismissing him. Once he was alone in his office, he picked up his phone.

"Eraserhead speaking."

"This is Sir Nighteye, do you have a moment?" Sir asked. "We found something."


"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"Like I said, idiot, I don't fucking know," Katsuki huffed. The squad was hanging out in Denki's room, or at least the part of the squad that remembered who they used to be. Izuku was with his own group of friends right now, so Katsuki wasn't worried he'd do something stupid. Besides, he needed to spend more time with their friends now that he still could, they both did, before shit went downhill and the crazy started. Yeah, none of them were looking forward to fighting another war... But right now the topic had drifted off to Shinsou, who Izuku claimed had his memories by now.

"How can you not know?" Eijirou asked him. "What did you ask him?"

"We were talking about the test and he was worried about him passing or some shit like that," Katsuki explained. "So I told him his dad would never fail him."

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