Where It All Began

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After a long and quiet taxi ride, which was unusual in Hell, Y/N finally arrived in Pentagram City. The car sped past the sign and swerved around corners, to accommodate the hectic traffic. This is what Y/N was used to. Eventually, they arrived in front of the hotel. Y/N gave the driver a wad of cash.

"Thanks," Y/N said as he opened the door. The driver looked at him suspiciously, and quickly put each individual bill under a counterfeit money checker. He was shocked to find out it was the genuine article, but quickly sped off due to this revelation. 'Figures' Y/N thought as a cloud of smoke and smog from the exhaust blew his way. He coughed as he escaped it. He walked up to the hotel doors and reached for the handle. He stopped.

'They probably know about my activities. Better get ready for the bombardment of questions' he thought, taking a deep breath. He opened the hotel doors, and entered the lobby.

He stepped inside and saw someone get up from a chair in the lounge area. It was his wife. Vaggie said on the couch talking to Nifty, while Angel was at the bar with Husk. Sir Pentious was still getting acquainted in his room, making sure the decoration of the space was up to his standards. Alastor presumably was in his tower, or out. Either way, he wasn't here to experience Charlie's inquisitiveness this time. She walked towards Y/N.

"What. The. Hell? I have been calling you for hours, you've ignored every attempt of us trying to contact you, and then I turn on the news to see you're busy slaughtering random demons with a group of imps. And don't even bring up that little note, 'going to deal with that thing last night', why did you make it so vague!?" She said angrily, hurt by Y/N's neglect.

"Listen, it started out as one thing and developed..." Y/N started, but Charlie was done.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this? Are you scared to share stuff with me?" She stated, but this time her speech wasn't as filled with anger as it once was. It now had elements of fear and disappointment. She thought after they put their rings on they would now all the inner workings of the other's life, but with this, she became conflicted.

"I'm not, I always share stuff with you. But you already know about this," Y/N said, lifting up his shirt and gesturing to his mark. "I was just going to take care of it, and then it went down this rabbit hole..." he continued, remembering the bloody journey and the interesting people he encountered.

"Ok, just walk me through it" she said, running her hands through her hair. Her anger had subsided. The two sat on the couch in the lobby.

"Alright, so I got a text from someone talking about that dream I had," he started, hoping to end his wife's frustration and maybe even get some answers as to his misadventures.

"Wait, somebody knew about that? Like down to every detail?" Charlie asked, invested with more curiosity than anger.

"It wasn't a recreation of it, but it was enough to prove they knew about it. Anyways they told me to meet at a warehouse. Turned out to be a setup. Killed a bunch of demons and passed out. Woke up with a group of imps looking at me and went to their office," Y/N continued, knowing the story was about to get weird with the introduction of his 'co-workers' so to speak.

"Wait, you went with a group of imps' offices? Why?" She asked, perplexed at the random nature of going to the workplace of people you just met, but then again, if he didn't follow that nature, he might not be her husband.

"Wait, did one of them have white scarring on the side of his face and curled horns?" Vaggie asked, a memory coming to mind.

"Yeah, why?" He said, wondering how Vaggie knew Blitzø.

"That bastard tried to put a poster advertising their business on the side of the hotel. I was able to make him leave. As soon as he saw me he scampered away, knocking over a trash can or two" she said, squeezing the bridge of her nose. She had ran into idiots before, but this guy was something else.

Corrupted: Death Follows (Male Reader x Charlie) (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now