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"But you wanna hurt me?" I asked her. We looked into each other's eyes and I couldn't help myself but a tear escaped my eye.

"Karlie" She said and tried to wipe away the tear from my face but I took a step back from her to make some distance between us.

"Goodbye Taylor" I said and my voice cracked. I turned around leaving the classroom and almost ran into the bathroom. When I reached it I quickly got into a stall and there it happened. I broke down in tears. I sinked on the floor and buried my head in my knees just to let my tears escape my eyes. I've never been heartbroken before. I never understood people when they said that a heartbreak is like seeing yourself dying inside. I always thought that they would exaggerate but now I felt exactly what they said.

"Karlie? Hey, what's going on?" My mom walked into my bedroom while I was laying on my bed and cried my eyes out. "Karlie honey, what happened?" She put her arms around me and rubbed my back and I cried into her shoulders. We stayed like this the whole night and my mom stopped asking questions when I told her that I don't wanna talk about it. She stayed though and was just there for me. She probably thought that it would've had something to do with Toni because she knew that we went out and she probably thought that Toni hurt me. I was hurt but not by Toni. I got my heart broken from my teacher.


I couldn't move when Karlie ran out of the classroom. She started crying in front of me, she begged me to not destroy us but I couldn't say anything. I was so confused with my feelings for her and I was so scared to admit that there are feelings because if I once did, I would probably make my life hundred times more difficult and hers too. We couldn't be a normal couple, I was still her teacher and she was still a minor and besides all of that I was still in a relationship.

"Baby why are you so absent today? Where are you with your thoughts?" Behati asked me while we had dinner at my place. She just showed up with some take out because we haven't seen each other in a few days and she said that she missed me like crazy. Before she arrived I was sitting on my couch and tears fell down my face. I hurt Karlie so much and that broke me inside. When I thought about her probably laying in her bedroom at the moment and crying because of me, I felt like the most horrible person on earth.

"Taylor? Hellooooo??" Behati waved a hand in front of my face because I still haven't answered to her question.

"I'm sorry, I just.. I'm not feeling that good" I answered.

"What's going on with you Taylor? You've been like this for the last two weeks. You always seem so absent when we're together and we haven't slept with each other since you left for the trip to San Diego. Tell me please, is there someone else?" She asked me and at the last sentence her voice got quieter. She really seemed nervous to ask me this question and I always wanted to avoid having this talk with her but I also knew that we had to talk about it. "So there is?" She continued and a tear escaped her eye.

"I'm so sorry" I couldn't even look into her eyes, I was so ashamed of myself for doing this to her. She always tried the hardest to make me happy and all I did was betray her. When I looked up to her more tears streamed down her face and she just kept looking at me.

"Who is it?" She asked and I knew she was so hurt.

"I can't tell you" Tears fell down my face now too.

"Seriously Taylor? You cheated on me and you can't even tell me how it is? Why did you do this to me? What did I do to you to deserve something like that? I thought you love me Taylor!"

"I'm so deeply sorry Behati, really. I never wanted to cheat on you please believe me but I think I fell in love with this person" I let my face fall in my hands.

"You fell in love with this person? When did you stop loving me? Did you even love me?"

"I did love you Behati please believe me. I still love you but I'm also in love with her" She stood up and walked out crying and when I heard my front door shut I broke down in tears. I broke two hearts in one day. I broke the hearts of the two people I care about most. What kind of person am I to do something like that?



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