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"Taylor, is everything okay?" Jaime and I were having lunch together and no, I was so not okay. Just three days ago I broke up with Behati and broke Karlie's heart and until now I haven't seen one of them anymore. Karlie has been absent in school the past days and Behati and I haven't seen each other since she stormed out of my apartment. The past days I've spent crying and started immediately when I arrived at my apartment but when I got to school I tried to put on a mask, so no one would recognize how much my heart is broken too. I didn't want to hurt neither Karlie nor Behati but I just fucked everything up and it's eating me up inside.

"I broke up with Behati and I'm just feeling not so good"

"Oh no, what happened? I'm so sorry Taylor"

"We just..we fought a lot and it didn't work out anymore" I lied because I of course couldn't tell her that I cheated on her with my student. Jaime and I talked for a while until we both had lessons again and made our ways towards our classrooms. When I entered it my hopes faded away like the past 3 days because Karlie's table was again empty. I started the lesson when the door suddenly swung open and I froze when I saw who it was.

"I'm sorry I got held up by Mr. Presley" Karlie said when she walked to her desk but not looking at me. She looked horrible. Under her eyes were bags that she tried to hide with make up, her eyes were red and she looked even more skinny than she normally was. I wanted to start crying the second I saw here because I knew that I was the reason for all of that.

"Ehm.. no problem, sit down Karlie"
I spluttered. I continued the lesson but couldn't take my eyes off her. She didn't look at me once but kept her eyes down looking at her desk. I made a lot of mistakes during the lesson because I couldn't concentrate on what I'm doing, too distracted by Karlie's look so I decided to quit the lesson a little bit earlier than usual and let the students do what they want in that time.

"Karlie what happened? We all tried to call you the whole time and when I was at your house your mom told me that you're not feeling good! What happened Kar?" I could hear Selena talking to Karlie because they were sitting in the first row.

"Nothing big, I was sick the past days and threw up all the time, so I was pretty exhausted and couldn't answer your calls. I'm sorry" She lied.

"Really? I don't feel like that's the truth Kar. You can tell me. Did something happen between you and Toni?" Selena asked.

"No nothing happened between Toni and me really. I was just sick" When the lesson was over I wanted to talk to Karlie but she walked out of the classroom immediately but surprisingly someone else appeared at my desk.

"Ms. Swift? Is the music club practice tomorrow still on?" Selena asked me.

"Yes sure" I replied.

"Oh I can't wait for the concert on Friday. I'm so excited"

"Me too Selena, you'll be great there" On Friday there was an event at the school that helps to fund money for children in Africa and the music club will have an appearance there too.

It was Friday now and the event took place at our school, Selena would have her appearance in a few minutes but unfortunately she got sick and the other club members persuade me to replace her and sing the song instead of.

"Unfortunately the original singer Selena got sick but we have a very special replacement for you. Ms. Swift agreed after a lot of persuasion of her students to sing the song instead of." Mr.Belford said through the microphone and the students started to cheer very loud. We walked on stage and from my spot I could directly look into the familiar green eyes I fell
hopelessly in love with and I broke like glass.

I feel like my writing gets worse by every chapter so I don't know how long I will keep this story up. Anyway thanks for readings and 4k! Also thank you to @azbd1713 for the idea with the concert :)

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