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5 months later


"Family, I have to tell you something" I sat on the table with my three sisters and my parents. Yesterday was my graduation from high school and Taylor and I were still deeply in love with each other. We both don't know how, but somehow we managed that not one single person found out about our relationship over 7 months. It was hard sometimes, we couldn't go out like normal couples but sometimes we drove to lonely places like to lakes or we drove into anther cities where no one knew us to hang out and do normal couple stuff. But now, after I graduated we could finally start a relationship like normal couples.

"Oh oh, what's coming now? The last time you said you have to tell us something was when you told us a few years ago that you're gay" My dad chuckled.

"I have a girlfriend for already 7 months"

"What? Why did you never tell us?" My sister Kariann asked in confusion. "It's not like we didn't always want you to bring someone home"

"It's not that easy to explain, I guess" I continued.

"Karlie, we are your family, no matter what's going on we're always here for you and we'll always love you" My mum said in a calmly voice.

"My girlfriend is my German teacher" I finally admit what I hid so good for so long.

"Are you serious?" My big sister Kimby burst out in laugh while my parents looked pretty shocked.

"I can't believe this Karlie, how old is she?" My dad asked and he seemed so shocked.

"She's 25 but let me explain please" I almost begged although no one really said something. "We fell in love with each other the first day we met and since that we have had the best relationship I could imagine and I love her more than anything else. She's..she's.. my everything" My voice got more quiet as more I talked and I was terrified that they wouldn't accept my relationship.

"Okay" My mom breathed out.

"Okay?" I whispered.

"Karlie, we all love you so much and we can't deny that these past months you've been happier than ever before and I don't say that I think it's good to be in a relationship with your teacher but hearing you talk about her shows that you really love her and all I want, all we want is that you have someone you love unconditionally and someone who loves you unconditionally, so I'm okay with this." My mom said and as she finished tears streamed down my face.

"Thank you so much mom, I love you" I stood up and hugged her.

"I will accept this under one condition" My dad said. "I have to meet her, we all have to meet her and then I will see if this woman really makes you happy." He smiled and I hugged him too.

My family was pretty excited because today, Taylor would come over for dinner to meet my family and Krstine and Kariann were especially excited because they knew Taylor from school as a teacher. Even thought they hadn't Taylor in class, they always admired how beautiful and nice she is.

"Someone knocked Karlie! Your teacher is here" Kimby mocked me as she shouted from upstairs. I tried to look calm but inside I was really excited for the dinner because even though my family all accepted our relationship, it would be the first time I'd present a girlfriend to them.

"Hey baby" I said when I opened the door.

"Hey sunshine" She answered and I have her a kiss on the cheek. She tried to not look nervous but because I knew her best, I saw that she was.

"Come in" I gestured for her to come in. "Don't be nervous baby they'll love you" I whispered to her and took her hand, so I could lead her into the living where my whole dad and the twins watched a football match while they waited for dinner to be ready.

"Okay now I understand" My dad laughed when he saw Taylor and me coming into the living room. "Hi I'm Karlie's dad, please call me Kurt. It's so nice to meet you Taylor" He stood up and embraced Taylor in a hug.

"It's nice to meet you too, I've already heard a lot about you" Taylor kindly answered.

"For example?" My dad asked and smiled.

"That you're also a fan of my favorite football team" Taylor responded.

"Oh my god Karlie, I already love her" My dad laughed and sat back into his chair when the twins came to get to know her and then my big sister. After that I led Taylor to the kitchen where my mom prepared dinner.

"Mom, this is Taylor" I said when we arrived in the kitchen.

"She's already here? I didn't even hear someone coming. Hello Taylor, I'm Tracy, Karlie's mom. I'm so happy to finally meet you" She hugged Taylor.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you all too" Taylor answered.

"Karlie can't stop talking about you and you're even more pretty than she described"

"Mom stop it please" I awkwardly said and felt myself blushing.

"Thank you and thank you for your invitation" Taylor turned back to my mom but not before grinning at me. The dinner was so good and I saw that my family already put Taylor in their hearts. After we all watched a movie together they went to bed and even allowed Taylor to stay over tonight.


"So, this is my room" Karlie opened the door and let me walk into my bedroom.

"I like it and not just because the whole room smells like you" I said while waking through my room.

"I can't believe this is all happening, I'm so happy you have no idea" She said and I felt her standing behind me.

"I'm so happy too, you make me so happy" I said and looked troughs the photos on her wall.

"Is this a romantic moment?" She asked.

"Every moment with you is romantic sunshine" I said and turned around and I couldn't believe what I saw. Karlie kneeled in front of me and had a small box in her hand.

"Taylor Alison Swift, I love you more than I could ever express through words. You're my everything since the first day I met you, I fell in love with you the first day I met you and my love just grew stronger by every day we spent together. Every day I think I can't fall harder for you but then on the next day I find myself loving you even more. I want to spend my whole life with you, have kids with you and grow old with you. I can't wait to start our life together and I want to start with this. Baby, would you please make me the honor and become my wife?" She said and I felt years escape my eyes. I've never heard something more beautiful

my entire life and I've never loved anyone and will love anyone like I love Karlie, so I answered with the most beautiful word in every language.

"Yes" She stood up and placed the ring on my finger.

"I love you more than anything else Tay"

"I love you too sunshine. So much" And then we kissed.



Wow I can't believe this story is almost finished. Thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted!! I love you guys!

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