finding the new student

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Kazuha's pov:
Heizou was now my boyfriend, and we had arranged a date on the next weekend, i was honestly very happy

Today i went to school and went looking for heizou i gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then i already needed to go to my next class it was german i really disliked it i like to hear music while im in class, after the class ended i went looking for scara because he didnt showed up when i knew that he had german classes with me.

I went to heizou after my class giving him a quick peck on the cheek and we went looking for scara together but he looked down like sad

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked him

"Yeah, why would you think im not?" -H

"You looked really down thats why i was asking im just worried " -K

"Oh, ok don't worry ok im fine" -H

We went looking for scara once again in hope to find him this time with no avail "love, we didn't find him maybe he's just sick and at home" -H

"Maybe, i just hope he gets better" -K

"yeah" -H

Heizou's pov:

We went looking for scara i didn't really care if we would find him because he's just annoying but i didn't tell that kazu because he seemed like he likes him and i didn't want anything bad to kazuha so i let it be

"Love?" -H

"Mh... yeah ?" -K

"Wanna come to my house after school?" I asked him

"no problem" -K

We had our last classes and after them we went to my home and i packed some stuff for a picnic like a blanket, snackes, and we went to the forest, my favorite place we had laid everything out and had fun we also talked about random stuff ...

After a while i fell asleep on kazuha mostly because i didn't really get any sleep last night because of school work

While i was sleeping kazuha moved me so i was laying on the forest floor he packed our stuff and got all stuff home and all this while carrying me

"Morning love" Kazuha said while i slowly got up i guess i really needed that sleep

"Morningg" -H

"How was your sleep i hope i didn't woke you up" -K

"It was quite pleasant actually, and no you dint wake me up" -H

Kazuha's pov:
After i brought everything to heizou's home i laid him on the couch and sat next to him it was warm,enjoyable warmth

I wondered were scaramouche was when we were at school was he there did we just not see him did he skip school was he really sick?

I always talked to him even if it was just a little hello he slowly started to accept that i wasn't going to leave him alone

After a month of trying to become his friend on a daily basis he finally gave in and accepted to be our friend even if he mostly only talked to me

Heizou's pov:

I became friends with scara or rather kazuha made me be friends with him even if i didnt like him i accepted it because it was kazuha that wanted it he was stealing kazuha from me and im gonna make sure he's gonna regret it one day

Me,him and kazu would often hangout together sometimes at my house sometimes at the park but often they only talked and ignored me did i do something wrong?

Scaras interests were a lot like mine i liked music so did he, i liked the forest so did he we actually had a lot in common i think i may come around some day but not right now or...?

I soon started to like hanging out with them like a trio, but i felt like kazu would pick scara over me anytime i knew that it was obvious scara liked him but he was my boyfriend, but my boyfriend liked him back i really hope im not imagining things

It was already 2 months since I've been dating Kazuha at start it was perfect but now i fell like im just 2. Choice and all that just because of that Scara dude he's ok i guess but my boyfriend means mine no one else

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