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well it has been some hours since scara tryed to kill himself, and mean while kazuha and heizou fucked like they normally would when they were alone

sike they were worried since they had asked scara to Contact them when he got home but he didn't

"what if he just forgot" heizou said

"no it can't be he always Contacts me so something must have happened" kazuha said quite worried

"maybe we should call him"

"okay maybe yeah sure" kazuha dialed scaras nummber and called after sometime it went to the mailbox and it said 'kazuha or heizou please don't worry im ok just sleeping or listening to music'

"well how do we know he's actually ok,
i mean it always says that he's ok"
heizou said

"let's go over to his house, maybe he's really ok and were just paranoid"
kazuha said

they both agreed that it would be best to go check on him since he didn't contact anyone maybe were just over protective and weird but we still care

they walked and soon reached his house
they knocked on the door and waited

no one answered

"we should go though the backdoor its always open" heizou said

"how'd you know that" kazuha said while giving side eye

"im a detective i just know"

they both went to the backdoor and it was to no ones surprise open, they walked inside no finde no one, they started searching and found him quickly

"hei-zou i- is he dead?"
kazuha started to tear up but tryed to calm down wich definitely failed

"uh- hopefully not but there are many pills and hes bleeding massively"
heizou said in a broken voice

"first check his pules"

"he doesn't have one hes a puppet"
heizou said

"oh- well bandage him up i don't know what to do" kazuha said definitely panicking

they carried him to the sofa in the living room since there they had more space

heizou bandaged him up and tryed comforting kazuha even if he was shocked and sad himself

"wh-at shou-ld we do,i- i don't wa-nt him do be dead"kazuha cryed

"me too baby but what he wakes up since hes not human"

and even if that would be stupid it was true after about 12 hours scara woke up after a suicide attempt

"scara whyy?" kazu asked him

"am i dead?" scara asked in a cold voice

"NO- no why honey.. why i don't understand" heizou said

"does that mean you- i- go please go"
scara pleaded

Scaras pov:

i wasn't dead i fucking failed not even death want me stupid stupid stupid

but why, the overdose should have killed me and if that didn't work i would have died from blood loss

and that means that they came befor i could lose more blood and bandaged me up fuck them man

they saw it, they saw my scars that were old and my new ones, they saw how i tried to kill myself but somehow failed god im such a mistake

why didn't it work, i don't understand

"how did i not die" that was my question to them since they didn't wanna leave

"you tried overdose didn't ya"
heizou said

"no shit Sherlock, what does it look like i tried" i said

"well i think it didn't work since yk your not human, yes you have a human body but not human heart yk and all that stuff" kazu said looking sad, but i did understand why why would he care anyway he had heizou he treated him better than me

"oh- well you will probably break up with me now since yk how much of an absolute mess i am" i said while trying to get up but heizou hold me down

"no, of course not honey we love you and you need to know that, i know you don't wanna talk about it but you have to eventually"

well shit i knew that but like i don't wanna talk about it what if they don't like me after that what if i ran away


"honey- scaramouche please talk to us we are worried about you, just please talk maybe not now but like maybe some other day but it still has to be this week, or maybe this month" heizou said

"what if we could go to my house and you move in right away so you don't have do be alone" heizou also said

"ok" i said while getting up and started packing i felt dizzy again but kazu hold me up

"let me help you" he said while also starting to pack my stuff into my suitcase

"what is that" he asked pointing to a small pink box

"nothing" i said while packing it up

but ofc kazuha had to take it out and look inside

there were many blades,knifes and other stuff that i jept over some month

"were not taking it with us"
he said while getting sad again

"k" i said while i knew i would just get myself new ones i know im not THAT stupid

when we were done packing we went outside to meet with heizou and his cars

one for my suitcase and the other one for us

when we were at his house we unpacked my stuff into a empty room that was now mine

"we should move kazuha also into our house" heizou said to me and i just nodded

"come down you two and lets look a disney movie"

so after he said that me and heizou both went down satirs and sat next to kazuha and picked a movie 'rapunzel'

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