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no ones pov:

today was supposed to be a great day for the three of them if it weren't for scaras sh urges it was sad yes but he managed to stay by heizous and kazuhas side

that was until the two left scara alone in a bar full of strangers with no phone no internet no way of getting home

scaras pov:

i was cold and lonely in this bar so i decided for one more shot and then get out of here

"hey~ plews onw shot ouf wvodkaae"
i asked the waiter for another shot

"sure, it'll be here in a sec" the waiter said while pouring the vodka into the glass

i drank it all in one go in the end i was wasted
'so how do i get out of here' i thought while getting outside the bar 'we were in the middle of a big ass city oh by we i mean me, kazuha and heizou left me damn now im even talking to myself' i started crying till i couldn't anymore

"how how could they i trusted them with all my heart and thats what they so to me, their probably fucking eachother right now" i said out loud even if nobody cared while looking down at me

i was a wreck at the side of the street sitting on an old bench while trying to calm down and singing in my head to my favorite artist

‚arctic monkeys'

and somw other artists i completely knew every word of their songs because i had some phases where i was addicted to them and  i am still addicted but anyway

so now i was lonely on an old bench with no money and no way on contacting anyone plus j was still drunk and my social anxiety was kicking in hard so i couldn't even talk to people

i started walking and soon saw a board with a map of the city on it and where i was right now

and i was no way getting home after seeing where i was

i was in a completely different city and our home wasn't even near

i sat on a bench i saw and started wondering why would thwy even leave my like this was i being to annoying to picky or maybe to clingy
or just to dumb to realize they don't love me and im just being pathetic

while thinking i saw yae miko the one who married my 'mother'

"heyy~ what's up why are you alone where are ur boyfriends~"

"go" i simply said trying to hold in tears because they have hurt me so much and i can't show my weakness

"c'mon somethings wrong what happend, and why r u up in the middle of the night"

"won't tell u so shut the fuck up and go" i said getting more annoyed by the second why was this bitch bere anyway

"m'kay I'll go i have a date with ei that we planned"

"yea, go"

and now i was lonely again knowing my mother is having fun and im lonely and heartbroken

kazuha and heizou were both something that could hurt me very much because i loved them so much

and then my urges came back

i looked for something sharp and found nothing so i just scratched till it bleed

gosh im pathetic i should just die

'scara.. SCARA ..'

someone was calling me but who

i was shaking so much what was happening


"wake up" huh is this a dream


i could tell that the voices were from heizou and kazuha so they didn't leave me after all where was i ?

no ones pov:

heizou and kauzha were trying to wake up scara because he was crying and muttering things that would never happen in real life

soon scara woke up and hugged kazuha and heizou deeply being happy not being alone

scara looked at his arm expecting some dried blood but there was nothing and that kinda disappointed him but didn't show that

in the end it was just a bad nightmare but thw fact that scara wasn't bleeding made him have urges even more knowing that they have a blade in the bathroom but was he gonna do it he didn't know

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