"Does that mean.." - E

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Y/n - your name
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Summary - You and Ethan have known each other since you both started acting on Shameless but Ethan started to catch feelingsss
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A/n - this is just a (maybe) small and happy imagine

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Y/n POV-


"So I just giggle a little? Like hehe?" Emma asked "yeah just not too much" Someone replied "Y/n" I heard someone call my name "Oh hi Ethan" I said as we both did our handshake we made "Y/n I like you." He said, Like? What does that mean? "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?," he asked as he held my hand "No" "what?! Whyyy" he whined "Because your not tall enough and um. Uh.. that's why" I said shaking my head "So if I'm maybe this tall you'll date me?" "Yes" he hugged me tight "I am taller than you but I think I can wait a few years" he said "yeah ok Ethan" I said playfully rolling my eyes

-end flashback-

I wonder if Ethan remembers that, "Y/n your on!" The director told me "Coming" "Alright, you know what to do?" "Yep" "three two one ACTION"

"You can't just do that Carl, you said we had something" "WE DID! ALRIGHT, We did. But it doesn't work like that anymore." He looked down "Fuck you." I walked away

"CUT, that was great you two" I smiled and he did too "Y/n!" Ethan yelled "yeah?" "Guess what" "what?" "Just guess" "uhhh You got another tooth out?" "What? No" he laughed "Then what?" I asked "I'm taller." He does remember, I'm just act stupid (😀✋) "What?" "You don't remember?," he asked "Remember what Ethan?" "That time when you said I could date you when I get taller" "No I do" he playfully nudged me on my shoulder "Soooo" he said while we walked to my Trailer "Soo.."

"Does that mean I can date you now?"

"Wait, you actually wanna date me?" I was surprised, I thought that mini confession he did was just a phase "Yeah.." he scratched the back of his neck "I didn't really know you were being for real? I thought you were kidding" I say "Can I date you..? I mean it doesn't need to go fa-" I kissed him before he could do or say anything "I would love it if you could date me Ethan" I say breaking the kiss, while he smiled "Finallyyy because I just thought you were gonna ditch that" he said has he held me

A/n -

How's life doing ya

WC- 419

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