"Fancy seeing you" - E

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Y/n POV-

We had just finished filming season 10 for shameless and we were throwing a party for releasing the tenth season, to be honest I was surprised we had done 10 seasons. It's mind blowing if you think about it. About the party, no one really knew I was coming, I wanted it to be like a secret. If you know me I'm not really a social person but I also love partying, yeah I know it doesn't really make sense because why the fuck do I like parties but hate socialising

Anyways I'm getting ready, I'm wearing a black dress tinted with white sparkles, I loved my dress. It also looked unnoticed so I think I'm fine. Since I was already done getting ready, I got in my car and drove to where the party had been thrown.

I arrived and I heard people laughing, cheering, and clapping. Mostly what you hear at a birthday party but adults version if you get what I mean, I parked my car and went inside. No one looked at me since the music was turned up high and you couldn't really hear the door open or close, anyways I went to go get a drink and a snack, I didn't eat anything for today and I'm fucking hungry asf.

After I was done eating I walked and got distracted, and guess what? My dumbass dumped into someone "Oh shit I'm so sorry," I said rubbing my head and looking at the person I hurt

"Fancy seeing you here,"

He laughed a little. It was Ethan, "oh, um." I looked down knowing I had been caught being here "Are you alright?, you seem guilty" he asked as he lifted my head "Yeah yeah I'm fine, I'm just about to head off. Big night y'know?" I laughed quietly and nervously, I have a massive crush on Ethan, I didn't really wanna tell since it would probably ruin me. "Want help? I could give you a ride Y/n" he asked "no I got my own, thanks for asking though" I smiled and left, I needed to leave I can't hold a conversation with Ethan at all "Y/n! Wait!" By now I had already reached outside

"Why you walking so fast, are you scared of me? Did I do something to hurt you?." He looked worried "What? No!, I just- I. I like you Ethan." I confessed. Why why why why, why did you do that Y/n. You stupid shit. Great he looks mad "Really" "yeah. Look I don't even think I should be liking you, I think we should only be dating on the damn show. I'm so sorry Eth-" before I could finish my sentence he grabbed me and kissed me

It didn't last long but it felt like heaven.. "I love you too Y/n" he said as he held me, I just stood there, still progressing what had happened "Do you wanna be my girl?- I mean it doesn't need to happen that fas-" "I would love too." I smiled


I didn't know how to end this shit so I'm sorry for the ending

WC- 531

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