"Getting a little to close" - E

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Ethan's POV-

I had auditioned to be some kid for a series FOR Netflix. To be honest I'm loving it. I play a kid named Carl- he's.. chaotic. I like playing Carl because it KINDA reminds me of myself from time to time.

One time on set a new member was introduced to each of us, she was gonna be a main character as well. Her name was Y/n, in my opinion she is the most prettiest girl I have seen in my life. She played as my crush in the series. She also played that role in real life... ANYWAYS. We had this scene where we both had to study on this homework type of thing, it wasn't much since it was like a quick scene to show where Debbie aka Emma was going.

And.. ACTION..


"You two gonna be alright?" Debbie asked "Yeah yeah we are" I waved off "Alright.. don't drink you two- not until I get back. You two will be dumb fucks before I arrive back if you do" She said as I poked my middle finger. As Debbie- Emma left the scene, I thought of holding Y/n's hand.

I nudged it a little and she just thought it was nothing. Till I intertwined my pinky with hers. I looked to see what she looked like and she had a little tint of pink shaded on her cheeks. She then took the move to hold my hand fully instead of my pinky.


"Getting a little to close there Cutkosky"

The director said as I laughed it off. Since the scene was now over and I let go of her hand. Soon I arrived back at my trailer and I heard a knock not long before I entered my room. "Ethan?.." I heard a soft voice- Y/n. "Y- Yeah?" I said "Um- IJUSTWANTEDTOSAYIHAVEAHUGEASCRUSHONYOUANDIHOPEYOULIKEMEBACK!" She scrambled together and I heard her run.

"Guess dreams do come true after all.." I thought.



WC - 329

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