Matt Murdock - The Devil's Angel (Part 2)

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2:00 a.m. You sighed as you looked at the clock on your bedside table. It was driving you crazy being couped up in the tower like a modern day princess. Prior to turning in for the evening, Natasha invited you to eat dinner with the others. She let you know that while you were staying at the tower, the only people you would come into contact with would be herself, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Pepper. The others were either on a mission, on holiday, or out galivanting around the galaxy.

Dinner was surprisingly pleasant. Tony had ordered take out, a little bit of everything. You found his and Bruce's discussions and arguments amusing. You enjoyed Pepper and Natasha's company the most. You had grown up around boys your whole life that when you were given the opportunity for girl talk, you relished in it. While you hadn't had a chance to really explore your temporary home, Pepper made sure that your kitchenette was well stocked and you had everything you needed.

You pulled yourself out of bed and made your way to the living room/kitchen area of your quarters. You opened the fridge, allowing the light to illuminate the room. As you grabbed yourself a bottle of water and turned towards the living room, you let out a yelp when you saw a figure sitting on the barstool at the counter.

"Jesus Frank, give me a heart attack why don't you?" you exclaimed as you put your hand over your beating heart.

Frank chuckled as he hopped down and came around to give you a hug. "Sorry kiddo," he said in his gruff voice. He followed you to the couch.

"How the hell did you get in here without the alarms going off?"

He gave you a look that said seriously.

He looked around the room, "Red told me what he set up for you. Pretty fancy digs."

You rolled your eyes. "Like I had a choice. I'd much rather be in Hell's Kitchen then couped up in some superhero tower."

Frank smirked. He glanced at you, looking you up and down. "How've you been feeling sis?"

You furrowed your brows at him, "What is that supposed to mean?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Just curious."

Before you could go to answer or interrogate him further, Frank continued. "Red and I have been working on a plan to get you out of here."

You cocked an eyebrow, "Is it a good plan?"

"Eh, it's a plan."

"I'm not going to like this plan, am I?"

Frank shrugged, "Red and I are working it out. You have nothing to worry about."

You looked at him in disbelief, "Frank, anytime you and Matt are on the same page, there is something to worry about."

Frank chuckled, "You got me there. Just don't get too comfortable here."

"Do the others know about this plan?"

Frank looked confused, "What others?"

You sighed, "The Avengers dummy!"

"What they don't know won't hurt them," he replied.

You leaned your head back on the couch, sighing, "I'm going to die, aren't I?"

Frank quickly grabbed your chin, turning your face to him, "Hey, Red and I will always keep you safe. Even if Fisk or his men find you, they won't be able to lay a finger on you before they are dead in the ground."


As the days went by in the tower, you found yourself bored out of your mind. You couldn't leave the floor you were on and you were unable to contact Matt or Frank in fear that the calls could be traced or worse. Pepper brought it upon herself to come have lunch with you everyday so you at least had someone to talk to. You rarely saw Tony or Bruce as they were usually in their labs working. Steve and Natasha would occasionally come through but they spent most of their time in the training room, which of course was on a different floor.

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