Tony Stark - Secret (Part 1)

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You looked at the clock on your desk and sighed. Once again you were under a mountain of paperwork. You were a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that had been hired on to work with the Avengers to help give them back up and give the other's time off from missions when it was needed. It had been five months and you had yet been given the opportunity to go out into the field. This completely frustrated you since you were a very skilled weapons expert and had been there in New Mexico when the whole Thor versus Loki situation happened, so it wasn't like you didn't know what you were doing.

You heard a knock on your office door, looking up, you saw Tony poke his head in.

"What are you still doing working?" he asked as he sat down in a chair across from your desk.

You sighed again, "What do you think?"

Tony reached across and grabbed one of the files off the stack that was on your desk. He thumbed through it and raised an eyebrow, looking at you over it.

"Steve is still making you do all of the mission reports?"

"Yup," you said, popping the "p".

Tony shook his head, "Have you even gone on one mission yet?"

"Nope," you said, popping the "p" again as you continued typing on your computer.

As you continued typing, suddenly your screen blinked black. You gasped as you looked up and saw Tony holding the power cord.

"Tony!," you exclaimed as you began panicking.

"Calm down (Y/N)!" Tony said laughing. "Jarvis automatically backs up everything in the system. Your work is safe."

You shook your head, "But if I don't get these reports done tonight, Rodgers is just going to give me more tomorrow."

Tony grabbed your hand and helped you up from your desk chair. "Let me worry about Rodgers. You need a break and when was the last time you ate?" You hesitated. Tony pointed at you, "See?! You're not taking care of yourself. Come have dinner with the team, get some sleep, and we'll start again tomorrow. I'll even hire an intern for you!"

You laughed, "Ok Tony, whatever you say."

Tony just beamed as he grabbed your work bag and led you down the hall of the Avenger offices towards the elevator that led to the private living quarters of the team. When the elevator reached the common floor area, you found Natasha smacking Clint's hand away from the to-go boxes that were laid out on the coffee table. As you and Tony made your way over, Bruce walked in from the kitchen, holding a six pack of beer.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, excited to see you. "Haven't seen you at family dinner in a while."

Before you could answer, Natasha chimed in, "Well, at least she is here now!" She smiled at you as she handed you a to-go box of food and a fork.

The five of you sat around the coffee table, talking and laughing while you ate. For once, you felt at ease and like you were a part of the team. As Tony handed you a beer, the ding of the elevator could be heard as Steve made his way into the room. Your smile dropped and your body became rigid when you watched him walk in. Tony noticed the change in your demeanor and looked towards Natasha, who also noticed the change. They gave each other questioning looks.

"(Y/L/N) what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be finishing that paperwork I gave you?" Steve asked as he grabbed his food.

Your jaw clenched as you didn't respond and continued eating your food. You didn't make eye contact with anyone as the tension in the air became thicker.

"She can't be holed up in her office all the time," responded Bruce.

"Besides," Tony interjected, "She was having some computer issues and I stole her away so she could hang out with us and eat."

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