Logan/Wolverine - Destiny (Part 5)

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Pain. That's all that consumed your mind. You felt as though someone was digging inside your mind, trying to unlock the chasms that had been shut for years by the endless training of your father and grandmother. You had no idea how long you had been locked up in Hydra's base. Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Maybe even years? No, you thought to yourself. There is no way Logan or your father would let you go missing for that long.

You heard the door of your cell scrape open and the sound of heavy boots walking towards you. You were so tired and your arms hurt so much. They had you hanging from the ceiling by your wrists. You could feel blood trickle down your arm as the cords that bound your hands cut into your skin. The sound of a metal chair scraping across the cement floor caused you to slowly look up to see who your visitor was. He appeared to be a middle-aged man, bald, with strange glasses. He tilted his head as he looked at you.

"Hello little one," he said with a thick German accent. "Do you know who I am?"

"Stryker," you rasped out.

He scoffed, "That religious zealot? No," he said as he took his gloves off. "I'm much more talented than him. I bring out the best in those of you who posses such unwielded power." He reached out his hand to stroke your cheek. You jerked back, away from his touch. "I hear you posses perhaps the greatest power, next to my dear scarlet witch."

Suddenly, everything clicked into place in your mind. Logan and the others had killed Stryker when he attempted to kill all the mutants. This was the man who experimented on Wanda and Pietro. This was Baron von Strucker. Although two different men, with two different viewpoints when it came to mutants, they were both just as evil as the other. You pulled on your restraints as he chuckled. You heard more footsteps walk into your cell and the sound of something being wheeled in. You lifted your head up as best you could to see people in white lab coats wheeling in a gurney.

One of the armed guards cut you from the restraints that was holding you, causing you to fall to the concrete floor as if you were a rag doll. They grabbed you by the arms and dragged you over to the gurney, lifting you up and laying you down, strapping your arms and legs to it. You pulled at the restraints as they put a gag over your mouth. You watched in fear as von Strucker pulled out a very large needle.

"This should keep her calm until we get the procedure started." He flicked at the needle before inserting it into your arm. You tried to yell out but the gag kept you from doing so. The pinch of the needle and the feeling of the fluid entering your blood stream made tears stream from your eyes. As you felt the gurney being wheeled away, you slowly drifted into darkness.


Logan and the others made their way to a secure Avengers location. Upon landing, they were greeted by Wanda, Pietro, and Magneto. Professor Xavier made his way over to Magneto, surprised to see his old friend at the compound.

"Eric, what are you doing here?" he asked as they shook hands.

"I got a message that you were in need of my help," he replied.

Logan furrowed his brows, "Who sent you a message?"

"I did," Loki said as he walked up and shook Magento's hand.

"Reindeer Games, I swear, if you are up to something," Tony stared to say.

"My daughter has been captured Mr. Stark. Of course, I am up to something," Loki said pointedly.

"As much as I don't like having Magento here, I agree with Loki. We can't let Hydra have (Y/N) for long. We need all the help we can get," Steve said.

Tony sighed, "Fine, but no funny business."

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