Logan/Wolverine - Destiny (Part 4)

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**Author Note: When X-Men characters are fighting/in their suits, they will go by their code names and not their given names like in the previous parts***

It all happened so fast yet felt like it was in slow motion. You were sound asleep, curled up in Logan's arms when it hit. Another episode of visions. Your body began convulsing, tears running down your eyes as the visions raced through your brain. Visions of the people you hold dearest to you in pain and anguish, fighting masked assailants as they carried you away. The visions continued as Logan tried to shake you from the episode as the alarm began going off in the manor, you were under attack. He had no choice but to wrap you in a blanket, covering your shorts and tank top you had worn to bed, and picked you up, rushing through the halls. He immediately ran into Clint and Steve.

"What's wrong? Is she ok?" Steve said quickly.

Logan shook his head, "No."

Clint nodded from the way they came, "Natasha and Storm are waiting for you in the quinjet. We are going to try and hold them off."

Logan nodded in response as he continued on. As he ran towards the back of the manor, the sound of gunfire and glass shattering could be heard throughout building. Logan looked down at you as you continued mumbling, tears still falling from your eyes. Suddenly, your eyes rolled back and you started choking.

"No, no, no!" Logan pleaded as he sat you down on the floor, his heart racing in fear. He swept the hair away from your face. Before he had time to react, a green shimmer appeared next to him. Suddenly, Loki was kneeling next to him, his hands taking your face and holding it as gently as he could.

"Love," he whispered. "Come on darling, come back to us." Loki felt a tear fall down his cheek and watched as it dropped on your face. He held your head up towards him, his forehead touching yours. Logan watched in amazement as your eyes shot open and you gasped.

"Daddy?" you sobbed as you wrapped your arms around Loki.

Loki smiled through his tears, "I'm here love, I've got you."

"What the hell was that?" Logan asked as he felt his heartbeat slow down.

Loki didn't get a chance to answer as a bullet hit the vase on the table next to where you were laying. Loki looked up annoyed.

"Right," he said as two knives appeared in his hands. He stood up and marched towards the masked assailant. "No one shoots at my daughter," he said as one of his knives flew through the air and impaled the man.

As more masked assailants appeared, Loki multiplied himself, fighting them off. One killed an illusion and started making his way towards you and Logan. Logan extended his claws, quickly slicing the man on the chest. As the man fell to the ground, Logan spat on him.

"You chose the wrong family to mess with," he said as he ran towards the other assailants, helping Loki.

As you were watching your father and your fiancé fighting beside each other, you didn't see the figure come up next to you. When you felt a hand on your arm, you screamed.

"Sorry kid! I didn't mean to scare you!"

You looked first in shock and then a smile spread on your face. You lunged at the person, giving them a crushing hug.

Tony chuckled as he lifted his faceplate, "I missed you too kid."

You pulled back and shook your head, "What are you doing here?"

Tony nodded to where Loki and Logan were, "You didn't think we would miss out on this fun would you?"

A sudden crash was heard as one of the walls crumbled. Out walked the Hulk, behind him was a very annoyed looking Beast.

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