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Playing: Can I Be Him by James Arthur

Sunoo's P.O.V.

Deeply in thought, well you guessed it right, I'm still waiting for the person that i don't know if will still come back. I don't know that he'll be gone for over weeks. I miss my jungwon so much.

"What's with that crumpled face, really?" Heeseung asked whom is beside me.

Well in other words, he's a seat mate of mine. Aside from jake and sunghoon that became a parent of mine, lol, heeseung helped me heal when jungwon was not with me, these past weeks to be specific, also when im at my drowned and down times.

"Nothing really, don't mind me"


"I'm not."

"It's all over your face"

"OKAY, OKAY, okay, you caught it already, I can't even lie anymore, i miss jungwon, SO MUCH, happy now?"

"I've told you many times, even the whole circle of friends lost contact with jungwon, he's not coming back sunoo"

"You never know, Lee Heeseung"

"Yeah, nevermind, i knew you'll say that, but soon you'll realize, as time goes by, he's not coming back"

"I hate you"

"Sure, i hate you more"

"Hey, sunoo let's hangout tonight" Heeseung patted my shoulder and rested his arms around my shoulder.

"Sure, I'd love to"

I open the locker and get my things. I'm not really in the mood with puns right now but is this a child thingy or what? Cause i saw a handmade paper airplane that fell from my locker. I picked it up and a slip of paper was in the middle so i took it off and read the message.

"I like you so much..."

"What's that?" Heeseung asked and snatch the paper from me.

"I don't know i saw it drop from my locker"

"Bro that's crazy, someone confessed to you, but anonymously, wow"

"Who could it be?"

"I don't know but the handwriting is hella fine"

"Ehhh, I'll just reject them indirectly, forget that, I'm still waiting for someone"

I snatch back the paper from him and throw both the slip and paper airplane to the trash bin.

"Wow, you did that? What about the efforts that THAT person put up on that?, And in fact if i was you, I'll probably talk to thy person"

"Yeah but you're not me"

Heeseung's P.O.V.

Only if you know that it was me who wrote and did that...

You wouldn't throw that, right?

The efforts i put up on that just so that airplane can fly up high, and far, i wasted so much papers.

But oh, indirect rejection.

Wow, that kinda hurts.


The way he threw the airplane and the message. I feel like i wanted to cry, but I'm a man, no, i need to man up and help sunoo continue to heal.

If only I knew that he'll throw that then i should've stopped myself from doing that paper airplane then confessing anonymously.

I shouldn't have just written all my feelings for you in that paper.

Can I at least be jungwon, even if just for once?

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