5. Maybe

302 20 1

Playing: Enchanted by Taylor Swift

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Heeseung was peacefully reading his textbook but suddenly sunoo placed a paper airplane on his book, making him look at the younger.

Heeseung's eyes widened because he can't remember that he made any paper airplanes today. Sunoo smiled at him making him feel so curious.

Does sunoo know about it already when he hasn't told sunoo about it?

"Hey, can we talk, heeseung?"

"Yeah sure, we're talking now"

"No, not here, like...privately"


Sunoo and heeseung both sat down at the court's bleachers chair. The court is empty right now since games are done after classes for clubs.

They both look at each other awkwardly making sunoo chuckles.

"About yesterday heeseung... it's so embarrassing, i can't even face you in a good way, im sorry i just felt crazy yesterday, i broke all your efforts"

"Huh? I-its fine..."

Sunoo held on heeseung's hand and looked at the older with his crescent shaped smiley eyes.

"I want to hear it from you, was it you? The one who sent those paper airplanes thingy, you know what i meant, i want to hear it all from your own words"

"Im...sorry, i-it was me, im sorry sunoo, i just- ugh, i like you so much, why do i have to repeat that word to explain everything? Im sorry, i like you, i like you very much"

"I'm glad you didn't hesitate to tell the truth, but it's okay, at least now i know"

"Since you know everything now, sunoo, will you give me a chance, i-i wasn't— i mean i-i won't expect"

"You know how much i love jungwon, right? You know i love him so much, so i don't need to answer that question of yours, because you already know what my answer would be, sorry"

"It's fine, thank you"

"Heeseung, please stop tht feelings of yours, because if you won't i will not be friends with you anymore, you know me so much, heeseung I don't like that"

"It's not that fast, it's not that if you told me to stop all my feelings for you, it will stop, its not that fast sunoo, it needs to take time"

"I get it heeseung, now come give me a hug! We will stay as best friends you know??!!! If we don't I'll be sad!"

Heeseung immediately throw his whole strength to sunoo, embracing him finally letting out all his emotions, he sobs hugging sunoo whom is patting his back.

"Im sorry hee, but let's stay as what we are today, till forever"

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