6. Almost

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Playing: 18 by one direction

Heeseung's P.O.V.

I was playing basketball with my friends since classes are done, it's always like this when classes are done, i always enter the court, change my clothes to my jersey and finally playing with my boys, and when i say my boys, ofcourse bruh, it's my friends.

The ball that i was aiming to shoot accidentally slipped on my hand, suddenly making it bounce leftwards.

I saw how it hit the beside the chair where sunoo is sitting.

"Sorry! Can you please give it to me?"

I run close to him and he smiled giving the ball to me. I noticed how his smile slowly fades away maiing him look like he's spacing out.

"Are you alright sunoo?, Are you still thinking of jungwon?, You're still are, aren't you?"

I saw how tears fell down from his cheeks so i wiped it out and pull him for an embrace.

"Im sorry, i-i just think this is not it, i miss him so much"

"SUNOO! SUNOO! JAKE CALL FOR AN EMERGENCY" we heard sunghoon shouted. He pushed me away making him run to sunghoon "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!"

That kinda hurts.

But anyways, i walked to them joining heir converstaion.

"Whats with you?"

"Nah i was just kidding" sunghoon said and laugh his whole soul out.

"Nah, but hey, seriously, jake is calling for you"

"SUNOO!" jake shouted while running, reaching on sunoo. He hugged Sunoo when he reached him. "Why? Why are you calling for me? Did i do something bad? DO I HAVEN'T PAY MY BILLS?"



"because of me" we all look at the center of attention, someone talked and that caught all of our attention.

It was jungwon.

I saw how he spread his arms making sunoo hug him tight. I look at how happy they are hugging each other. Jake and sunghoon admired the two with a smile on their faces.

I think, it all ended here, right? They're already happy, jungwon is finally back. Now let's talk about me.

These past months, weeks, and well, days, i like him

I like kim sunoo and no one noticed, i like him nd he only knew when i confessed. He see me as a friend and i see him more than that.

I just stare at them.

As they walk out jay patted my back and put his arms around my shoulder.

"That's love, you get hurt in order to learn, know that? You know heeseung, you two almost look like couple, you and sunoo i meant"

"Jay, that won't help—"

"I knew it won't, i said that so you could enjoy your life but it didn't help thy say, but to be honest, i love the way you tried to be with sunoo, MORE than friends, HAHA! As if you two will end up really— sorry i meant"

"You fucking idiot, if you're just gonna tease me, leave, i hate you"

"Chill bro, thy mouth is just saying facts"

I gave him a death glare.

But he's right.

As if me and sunoo will end up together.

Why did i even liked him when i knew on the first place that we won't end up together.

I hate faith.

But i love him.

Sad, he can't, he doesn't, he won't and he will never like me back.

But as he smiles whenever he's with jungwon, i can feel my heart warming up and making me smile, and by that, i can say that...

As long as he's happy, I'm already happy and contented with that.

Im glad i got the chance to confess to him, im glad i have nothing to keep from him for now.

He was my most beautiful almost.

I love him, but i gotta stop, he loves someone and that someone will never be me.

I love him, but im gonna stop here.

Jay's P.O.V.

The way he look at the two, i can see that he's hurting.

But why?

Why does he only see sunoo?

Why does he only do that to sunoo?

Why is it sunoo?

Why does it have to be sunoo?

Does he see me?

What about me heeseung? I like you, and you don't see that.


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