4. Stopping here

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Playing: superficial live by Ruth B.

Sunoo's P.O.V.

"Hey! Heeseung, let's eat dinner at my house together with jake and sunghoon!!" I cling on his arms and he  nods forming a crescent moon-like shape with his eyes.

I noticed that my locker is once again, opened, like what the hell, this is so embarrassing, almost all of the lockers are closed compared to mine.

"What the fuck right now? The annoying shits of this person won't stop, how could he even open my locker, only you know my lock code, did you tell that to everyone hee?!"

"Of course not! Who knew, I don't even know how that locker of yours is opened, you know me, i hide secrets so well"

I sighed and tried to close my locker but it won't. I opened it once again revealing a whole jar of letters with a bouquet of flowers.

Aren't this too much for someone you like? Like a WHOLE FUCKING jar of letters, even bouquet of flowers. I don't know.

I feel so messed up.

I want jungwon, not anyone else.





I couldn't control my feelings, my emotions, and I felt like a lunatic person.

Heeseung's P.O.V.

I tried to stop his actions, when he pulled the jar out, i know his next actions.

He threw the jar, and it broke into pieces.

The letters, i wrote.

He squats down crying as he looks at the pieces of glass that broke.

I felt like I was the glass that was broken.

I worked so hard for the letters written on that.

I couldn't move. I want to pick all the letters up but i feel like I'm freezing, not in the cold, i just couldn't explain it.

I pulled sunoo from his wrist pulling him into my arms, he buried his face on my chest, crying.

"I'll take you home, to your house"

Once we reach sunoo's house. I stopped the car in front and sunoo opened the car, hurrying inside his home. I followed him inside and saw how he ran to jake and hug him tight, crying in Jake's arms.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"I don't know anymore jake hyung, it's driving me crazy, those letters, flowers, paper airplanes, it's too much, too much for me, jungwon is all i want, I don't know anymore"

"It's okay sunoo, sit down, sunghoon, could you please hand a cup of water"

3rd Person's P.O.V.

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