2017 (December)

I was going to be going to go get ready for dance practice. I had put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie before heading over to the school dance building. We were running through the dances to make sure everything was good or if we needed to change anything

We practiced for about 3 hours before finishing. I grabbed my bag and was heading out, I decided to go to a convenience store and pick up some dinner before heading back to the dorms.

I bought a bunch of food, snacks, and drinks and thanked the cashier before leaving the store. As I was walking I took out my phone and I soon got a call from Minho "Hey Oppa what's up," "Nothing we just finished for the day how was practice," "It was good tiring but good," "Thats good don't hurt yourself," he said, "I won't but you be careful to and make sure to rest."

 We were talking for a bit "Hey Jen I have to get going I will talk to you later," he said and we hung up I put the phone in my pocket and I had my head down which was a bad idea since I bumped into someone. "I am so sorry," I said bowing "It's ok," he said and when I looked up I saw a guy who looked amazing. I grabbed my stuff and said bye to the guy before heading back to my dorm. 

I soon fell asleep.


The next day around 8 since we had a day off since we get at least one day off from practice for rest. I went to go get ready for the day.

I grabbed my MacBook and decided to do find my iPhone, I realized it was at some apartment building

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I grabbed my MacBook and decided to do find my iPhone, I realized it was at some apartment building. I put on my shoes and got the address before heading over there which was about a 10-minute walk. I went up to the door and knocked which the guy from before answered "Hey sorry to come so early so I lost my phone yesterday and find my iPhone says it was here do you by any chance have it," "Yeah let me go get it do you want to come in," he said and I followed him inside which it looks like a bunch of guys live here. A minute later he came back handing me my phone. "Hey what's your name if you don't mind," "Lee Jennie," "I love that I'm Han Jisung," "Well  Han Jisung it was nice meeting you, and thank you for keeping my phone safe," I said. "Hey Jennie wait up so I know we literally just met yesterday but if you're not busy would you like to go to dinner," "Han Jisung are you asking me out," I said, and he just looked down "Hey I would love that," I said and we exchanged numbers. "You know if your not busy I was gonna go grab some breakfast if you want to join," "I would love that," he said and went to go put his shoes on. We were about to leave when the door opened and another guy "Hey Hyung how was the workout," he asked "Good. Oh Jennie this is Chan hyung. Chan this is Jennie. We will be back later," he said and we headed out to go grab some breakfast which we went to a local café.


We talked while eating and getting to know each other. We soon had to go on our own way since I had homework (I don't know how Korean schools are so I will be using how American schools are). When I got back to my dorm and started working in it when Minho face timed me "Hey Min what's up," "Nothing can't a brother call his sister," he said making me laugh. "So any plans for today," "Well I kinda went on a date," "What with who," "You don't know him," I said "Well if you two start dating I want to meet him to make sure hes the one for my baby sister," he said "Min you are not scary you a softy," I said and we continued talking while I was doing my homework. 

We talked for a while before hanging up. I finished what I was doing and changed into spandex shorts and a hoodie before getting into my bed and deciding to watch some tv. As I was watching I was also texting Han before falling asleep.


I had just finished classes for the day and headed to the gym to practice. While we were going over my solo dance I landed on my ankle weirdly and had to take the rest of the day off. I went to go get it checked out and they said it was a minor sprain so in about 2 weeks I will be back to cheer. I was in my room icing my ankle and watching some tv when Han face timed which I love when he does. "Hey Jen how was your day," "It was good until I sprained my ankle," "Are you ok," he asked concerned "Yeah it just hurts a little but I am icing it," "Good take it easy and don't hurt it more," which as he was talking I could hear people screaming in the background. "Hey Han who's yelling," "Oh just the members," he said and there were 7 other guys goofing around "Sorry one of the guys had to go do something but this is Chan hyung which you met before, Woojin Hyung, Changbin hyung Hyunjin hyung, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. Guys this is Jennie," he said introducing us. "It's nice to meet you Han here has not stopped talking about you," Hyunjin said causing me to laugh but also blush at the same time. 

We were talking for a bit before I heard the door open on his end "Hey I have to get going I will talk to you later and stay off your ankle," he said and we both hung up before I decided to order food.

When I was done eating I was tired so I decided to just fall asleep.

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