A Couple Months Later

2023 (February)

We were currently in Sydney, Australia and they had some time off before their show in a couple of days. We were going to be going to the pool I was getting both Ji-soo and myself dressed while Han got dressed (Photo Above - Only Jennie). When everyone was dressed we met up with Minho and headed down to the pool which Han and Minho just sat on the bench they have in the pool since they did not know how to swim. I was teaching Ji-soo how to swim since she was 4. Ha-ru was with Minho and Han splashing in the water. 

"Want to swim to Appa," I asked Ji-soo and she said yes. "Ok remember what we practiced," I said "Appa watch," she said and Han looked at her before she swam to him. "Good job your really good," he said holding her while she hugs him. "Oesukbu can you come swimming please," she asked. "Maybe next time you go have fun," he said and we decided to put her floaty on and she went and played.

I sat next to Han and we watched Ji-soo have fun.


We finished at the pool after a while and headed back up to our rooms which Han went and hung out with Minho while I stayed back since they don't get that much chances to enjoy free time. I bathed Ji-soo before putting her down for a nap. I went and showered while throwing on some spandex shorts and an oversized shirt, I threw my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my laptop and decided to just scroll through social media.

After a couple hours Ji-soo woke up and Han came back. We decided to get some food which    Ji-soo wanted Mcdonalds or as she now calls it Maccas since both Chan and Felix are slowly making her Australian. She chicken nuggets with fries and I put on some t.v for her.


It was late at night and the kids were sleeping. I was with Han in bed while he held me close and we soon both fell asleep


A Couple Days Laters

I woke up around 8 to Ji-soo "Omma can we go get waffles," "Sure sweetie," I said and I got up which Han was still asleep. I put on my shoes along with Ji-soo's

 We headed downstairs to the lobby to grab some breakfast which I grabbed a bunch of waffles for everyone along with fruit and pastries. We headed back up to the room and I prepared the food for Ji-soo and she began eating. 

Han soon joined us grabbing one as well and sitting down next to me.


I went to go get the Ji-soo dressed while Han went to go shower. 

When I was ready which I decided to not put makeup on and keep my hair down, I got Ji-soo and started getting her ready

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When I was ready which I decided to not put makeup on and keep my hair down, I got Ji-soo and started getting her ready. There was soon a knock on the door and I opened it to reveal Minho "Oesukbu," she said. "Hi Ji wheres your Appa," Minho asked her and she pointed to the shower. Which at the same time Han came out wrapping a towel around his waist. 


We were in the arena since they had sound check. 

Ji-soo was next to I.N on her iPad playing educational games which she loves and I was sitting on Hans lap while he sat in a chair. 

They soon all had to go get ready for the show and were about to go on stage. I was with Ji-soo in the front row watching them perform. Which they were doing a part where they would pan the camera to the audience and at one point the camera landed on us and the crowd screamed loudly. Ji-soo waved to the camera since she got use to them and actually started loving being on camera. She started dancing and I saw Han watching us smiling. 


When it was the last few songs of the show Han came over to us and Ji-soo reached out to him. "You see Appa," I said pointing and she wanted to go up on stage with him "Omma can I go on stage with Appa please," she asked "I'm sorry he is working," I said but I saw Han say it was ok. "You ready,"  I said and she shook her head yes. A security guard came and grabbed her before handing her to Han. She started playing with the confetti which the rest of the guys were at the main stage. She soon started running up the stage while the guys cheered her on and Han was running after her. She went up to Minho who picked her up and I could see her loving it. 

When they finished I headed back stage and Ji-soo ran up to me "Omma did you see me," she said "I did. Did you love being with Appa on stage," "I did do you think I can do that when I am older," "Of course but when your older ok," I said and she hugged me. 


We got back to the hotel since we were leaving tomorrow to head to Japan for the next shows. We got Ji-soo ready for bed and put her to sleep. I headed to the bathroom to shower and got changed into pajamas which was just an oversized shirt. I did my facial routine while Han did his and we headed to bed. 

I laid down next to him and he pulled me close to him while wrapping his arm around me and kissing my neck. After a short time we both fell asleep.


We had gotten to our hotel in Osaka, Japan and it was really nice. I placed our things in our room and Ji-soo was with Han. I went out to go grab something to drink which I bumped into Minho on the way back. "Hey Min," I said and we just talked on the way back to my room. When we walked in I saw Han and Ji-soo asleep and I decided to take a picture of them for my wallpaper and to post on both StrayKids Instagram and mine. 

"I am get going back to my room," he said since it was late

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"I am get going back to my room," he said since it was late. I headed over to the bed and got in on the other side of Ji-soo before falling asleep.

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