A Couple Days Later

I went to go get ready when I noticed I had missed my period. I was nervous since Han and I don't really use any type of protection but that is mainly because I take birth control. I decided to get ready (Photo Above) and go to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. 

I soon got back to the dorm and took a couple tests before waiting about 5 minutes to check which I was nervous. When I saw the tests I fell to the floor crying since they were all positive. I was scared of telling Han and Minho since I am only 16. Would Han break up with me will they hate me for basically ruining his career that just started. All these thoughts kept racing through my head.

I was crying when my phone rang but I did not want to talk to anyone at the moment so I just ignored it. I went to my bed and just laid under the covers before falling asleep.

A Couple Weeks Later

It has been a couple of weeks since I found out I was pregnant and I have not told anyone, I also have been avoiding Han and the guys. I put on a pair of leggings and a hoodie before heading out to actually go to an OBGYN for my first ultrasound. 

I was in the room with the lady and we were going over everything "So will the babies father be joining us," she asked "Oh no," "Oh I am so sorry but if you need any help give a call," she said sweetly and we continued the appointment which she gave me the picture of the ultrasound.


I finished the appointment and left the office bumping into someone "Joesonghabnida," I said bowing "Its ok," the person said which sounded familiar when I looked up I saw Chan "Oppa," I said shocked "Jennie hey we are all worried about you especially Han and Minho what happened," he asked before noticing where I came from. "Hey Ni is everything alright," "Yes I have to go," I said before noticing the rest of StrayKids besides Han coming out of a store nearby. I quickly ran away "JENNIE," I heard Minho yell and when I turned a corner I hid in a alley. I slid down the wall crying before hearing them near by "Hey Hyung what did she tell you," Minho asked sounding upset. "Nothing," he said before my phone started going off  "Fuck," I mumbled. "Jen are you there," Minho asked and I stayed quiet. "Come on guys we have to go," I heard Chan tell them. I stayed hidden for a bit before someone sat down beside me. "Jennie look at me," Chan said and I just turned my head with tear filled eyes. "Talk to me what happened," "I cant then your going to hate me," "That is not true I care about you like a second sister all of us do," he said and all I did was hand him the picture. When he noticed what it was he got wide eyes "See this is why I could not tell you guys and I have been avoiding you all. You guys debuted recently and this can ruin Hans career and I don't want that and then if his career is ruined you all will hate me for it. Also I am 16 pregnant Minho will think that I ruined my life by getting pregnant" "Hey calm down this is wonderful news and none of that will happen look we are all going back to the dorms why don't you come and talk to us. Also we kinda need your help with Han since he has not left his room for weeks," he said and I just shook my head. He wiped my face and pulled me into a hug and handed me the ultrasound over.


We got back to the guys dorm "Hyung where did you...," Hyunjin asked but stopped when he saw me "NiNi," Minho ran up to me hugging me. "Hey why have you been avoiding us did we do something," he asked with saddened eyes, and I knew I could not upset him more. "Oh its nothing I just wasn't feeling well and needed to be alone to get better," I lied "Ni you need to tell him," Chan said "Tell me what," "Nothing right," I said looking at him and he shook his head yes. "Can you give me a second with her," Chan said and the guys walked away confused "Hey you need to tell him before he finds out another way. Telling him will not change your relationship," he said pulling me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me which I did the same. 

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