Chapter 16

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The next day, a photo of Austin walking out her residence have spread out.

Almost everyone was talking about it.

Are they having a relationship behind Bella?

Poor Bella.

I never thought Austin to be this kind of man.

Maybe that's why Dylan left Emma. She's a slut.

Everyone was sympathizing with Bella.

Emma made a called. "Delete everything."

She then ended the call and rechecked the media and instantly every news of him and Emma is gone.

Austin is the cause of this.

Her father made a phone call which Emma explained everything but she left out one part that shouldn't be told.

Emma is not sure how Hiddleston is cooperating with this news.

Emma then entered one of her social media to make an announcement.


Mr. Austin and I is working as a share partner
the reason he come to my house is to pay a visit
since I was sick and we did a little discussion
on our next plan. I certainly didn't invite Mr.Austin to my house but he said it was urgent.
I hope there is no speculation on both of us. Even though I am single, I really respect Austin and her girlfriend's relationship.

She close the comment section to stop from any conversation of Austin and her again.

The first to like her post is Merissa Hiddleston.

They really know about the news spreading.

Two days later...

Emma was back to being busy with her work.

"Ms. Emma, there is someone who wanted to meet you."

"Who? Austin?" She asked with disgust clearly seen on Emma's face.

She asked when another man appeared beside the secretary.

"Good morning, Ms. Emma. I am Zack, Austin's personal assistant." He immediately held out his hand which Emma shook afterwards.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Mr. Austin said that he have told you about the photoshoot of which you will be the model."

"Yes. What about it?"

"I come here to pick you up."

"Tskk, who does he think he is." Zack have a blur expression as he suddenly heard what Emma have said.

"Can't it be postponed?" Emma asked.

"No, Ms. Emma. Mr. Austin said Ms. Emma should have recovered today and asked me to check if you're at the company." He explained.

Emma grunted.

"Carmen, ask Claire to take care of this company." She went to grab her handbag before walking out with Zack.

"Your boss is a jerk." She complained while walking to the lift.

The whole time Emma was complaining of how she hated to meet Austin.

Zack led her to enter his car before they drove to Austin's company.

As they reached the company, Zack led her out of the car.

She saw Austin was already waiting her at his car.

Emma went to Austin's place.

"You didn't even explained to me specifically of this photoshoot!" She said angrily at Austin.

"Just get in." He ordered.

"Listen carefully, Austin. You and I is only a share partner, we are not besties or close friends which makes you can do anything with me and my time!"

"You're done?" He asked which shows that whatever Emma said didn't affect him.

"You should have told me the place and time, I should have come with my car."


Emma clenched both of her hands as she was really angry with Austin's attitude.

"I can go with Zack." She was about to turned when Zack interrupt her "Sorry, Ms. Emma. I will not be going there."

Emma didn't say anything as she entered Austin's car.

It was silent drive at first, but Austin broke the silence.

"I certainly didn't invite Mr.Austin to my house but he said it was urgent." Austin mocked.

Emma glared at him but didn't say anything before looking away.

"I hope there is no speculation on both of us."

"Alright, what's the problem!" Emma went into an attack mood immediately.

"Even though I am single, I really respect-"

"You got any problem, Mr. Austin?" She asked angrily.

Austin turned to look at her with a cold expression.

"Nope." He said with a mocking voice.

"Then. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." She pressed the words one by one every time she spoke while staring angrily right infront of Austin's face.

He stared at her for a long minute which she make an eye roll at him before looking away.

"Drive faster, I'll die here if I stuck any longer with this jerk." She ordered which the driver listened after Austin gave them a nod to do as Emma had ordered.

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