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"Star Sanctuary huh?" He entered the world and found himself below the sanctuary, stars circled around the path and ladder that lead to the above.

"I haven't seen the sanctuary itself, but this already looks like something that could come out of Mason's dreams"

He walked up the path and climbed the ladder, to be greeted by many things. He looks around in awe, all around were pillars and stars, trees and a garden filled with lush grass and flowers. The citizens of the sanctuary were a few angels that seemed to be busy doing their own things, aside from the two that stood nearby, as if standing over to watch the place. He walks towards them, which catches one of the two's attention.

"Welcome to Star Sanctuary, our haven among the clouds. This city runs on celestial energy, keeping it afloat in the sky. We hope you enjoy the city and its many sights. My name is Sky, and you must be the new star saviour"

"It is nice to meet you, Sky"

He shifted his gaze to the other angel, who started speaking to him.

"Around three hundred years ago, this was once a humble little city called Maytown. Our ancestors lived in fear of a mysterious entity named Verosfear, who sought the power of the stars. Verosfear was eventually defeated by the courageous Star Savior, who used the stars to thrust our city into an age of enlightenment."

"This was Maytown?!" 'And Verosfear? Don't they mean Stratosfear?'

"Believe it or not, it is. Sounds amusing, doesn't it?"

"That's pretty cool!"

"Now come along, Anshine's over there, standing at his usual spot"

He nodded and headed towards the fountain, Anshine stood there. He takes notice of the Saviour and adjusts his tophat, keeping a stoic expression.

"...I'm not exactly sure what your motives are, but Cyalm instructed me that you are to become the new Star Savior. I might be more convinced if you could gather the stars around here, don't try to get the stars that aren't like the ones you are collecting, unless you want to get hurt by those stars."


He felt intimidated by Anshine's tone, but he shrugged it off and headed off to gather stars, he met and spoke to the other angels, hearing more and more of the history of the sanctuary and the so called 'Starpocalypse' in which details the upbringing of first Star Saviour and how he defeated Stratosfear— no, Verosfear, however they disappeared one day, never to be found. He seemed unsettled at the idea of the first Saviour's disappearance.

'Where could he had gone? It seems so mysterious for him to vanish just like that! Unless something happened that got lost to time and history... I wonder who he was?'

He shook his head and continued to gather stars, soon enough he was able to come back to Anshine, who seemed to soften his gaze at the Saviour.

"...I never thought I'd see the day when a new Star Savior would be graced upon our world again. I suppose I owe you a more formal introduction to this place. Welcome to Star Sanctuary."

"I don't want to be rude or anything, Anshine- did I say that correctly?"

"Yes, though what is it?"

"I need your symbol-"

"Yes, I suspected just as much. A few other Points have told me that Cyalm has sent you on a mission to seek out our symbols. I've just heard of this "Celesteal" fellow myself, and quite frankly, I'm a bit suspicious. Our records show nothing about such an entity ever existing..."

The Saviour looked at him confused, then Anshine spoke again.

"...But if you really are the second coming of the Star Savior, I am here to support you all the way. But before I can give you my unyielding trust, you must pass a course of my own design to prove yourself. What do you say?"

"Okay, I'll go through your challenge course"

"Great. Let's get squared away."

Anshine took him to the challenge course, it had seemed darker like it's the evening. The stars glow brightly in this darkness, keeping his path lit up, so he can see where to go. The angels stood in his path, speaking to them, they talk about the sanctuary, the first star Saviour and questioned the existence of Celesteal. He mostly ignored their words and continued on, at the end of the course stood Snow and Anshine, he didn't seem to have anything with him, confusing the Saviour. He listened to what Snow had to say.

"Some say that Verosfear was somehow connected to the original Star Savior in some way. After all, they both appeared around the same time and disappeared without warning.Perhaps they were part of a greater phenomenon we can't even comprehend. Are you and Celesteal also connected in some way?"

"I hope not. I don't want to be associated to that thing"

He walks past Snow, heading towards Anshine.

"...So you really are the second coming of the Star Savior. I'll give you my symbol like I promised, but I'd like to show you something first. I want to show you the inside of Temple of Shadows."

"Temple of shadows? Okay.."

"Nobody else is allowed in under normal circumstances, but you're an exception. A very important exception."

The Saviour nodded and followed Anshine inside. His symbol floated in front of them, he walks over to it, gazing at the Saviour.

"Take a good look around you."

He gazed on the walls of the temple, it had yellow markings all over, words can be seen written on the walls. These words seem to be a call for help, it was unsettling for the Saviour.

"The final traces of Verosfear's essence reside within this temple. Verosfear was the evil force that the Star Savior defeated long ago, who was then presumed to be dead. Yet their very essence still lingers here, calling out in distress."

He paused for a moment.

"The way their essence is calling out... It sounds familiar..."

His symbol flickered dimly, locking gazes with the Saviour.

"This wasn't just a story between good and evil. Something happened here. Something that nobody accounted for... But what could that be?"

The Saviour looked around once more, as Anshine continues to speak.

"...Well, that's a mystery for another day. I've kept you waiting long enough. Here's my symbol."

"Wait, Anshine, what's that?"

He looks at something written on a corner of the temple wall that the Saviour was looking at. It said 'I'm sorry I couldn't do anything that day', Anshine tilted his head in confusion.

"I've never noticed that before, who could he be apologizing to?"

"Maybe there's something that happened that was lost to history- or no one ever known... Also why do you call him Verosfear? I thought it was Stratosfear?"

"Well, as time passes, some things like names tend to be misheard or misinterpreted, leaving the original story slightly altered. Stratosfear is what people had known about, but us who hold the records to the history of this place... We know that he was called Verosfear, he said it himself on that one fateful night"

"You know, you remind me of someone"

"Oh, do I?"

"You remind me of my best friend... He'd wear a tophat like that, I haven't seen him in years"

"Oh, that's sad. I hope your friend is doing well to this day"

"I hope so too... I don't think I'll be able to find him now though"

"Well... The past is past, now go on and take my symbol"

Anshine handed the symbol to the saviour, taking him back to the entrance to his world.

"Remember, I'm only doing this for you. You're the Star Savior. It's up to you to protect this world."

"Thank you Anshine, may I visit you again?"

"Of course, but after you defeat Celesteal. And please, come back safe, okay?"

"I promise"

Anshine's symbol flickered as he leaves Star Sanctuary.

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