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He walks over to the next world when he noticed Ploque nearby, he smiled and wave at her, to which she flickered her symbol in greeting. He enters the world, to be greeted by the point that lives there.

"Oh hello! You're the new Star Savior that everyone's talking about?

"Yeah, that's definitely me"

"Well hey, the name's Arrolin. If you really are the Star Savior, you'd be able to collect all the stars here easily."

"Okay! Oh my stars there's dragons!"

"Well this place isn't called Mad Dragon Festival for nothing!"

"Can I pet them?"

"When you get those stars, I'll let you pet them before we do the challenge course"

"Awesome! This place seems more welcoming than the last"

"Let me guess, Ulipse being mean to you?"

"She chased me down! But I still apologized for her, I don't think she felt comfortable with the idea of me brute forcing my way to get her symbol"

"Well that's good for you to apologize, she'll calm down and understand your actions eventually. I know it's for you to take down Celesteal much easier"

"I should go get the stars now, see you in a while"

"Good luck Star Saviour!"

He nodded and ran off to get stars, he eats a dash pepper and dashed through rooftops, he felt the adrenaline rushing in him as he hopped to one rooftop to another, careful as to not fall, grabbing a star at a certain rooftop. He runs back and jumps down, landing on the ground, ready to run to another direction. He noticed that the dragons move in a certain way, acting as a passageway but with a challenge. He carefully got on the dragon and crossed to the other side.

"No- no not another marble powerup, no..."

He sighed and climbed up to the marble powerup, activating and carefully steering it through the path, screaming as the marble picked up it's pace and managed to slow down before he could fall off the path. He eventually reaches the end of the track like path and the marble disappears, landing on the ground near the star.

"I just wish there's not more of these in the next world or something"

He sighed as he grabbed the star and stepped onto a teleporter, sending him back to the first dragon. He gets the remaining stars in the world, he looks over the first dragon he saw in the world. He took out a dash pepper from his pocket and threw it at the dragon who ate it happily, he hops onto the dragons back and it immediately began flying around. Arrolin sees him up in the skies and shouts at him.

"how did you manage to do that?!"

"I fed it a dash pepper!"

"how did you find a spare one to feed it?"

"from the other worlds, I thought it might come in handy"

"Get down from there! You have a challenge course to do!"

"Give me five minutes, it's not often I get to experience this!"

"Fine. But only five minutes, I'll be counting the time"


He happily soared through the skies with the dragon for five minutes, eventually he goes back down and hops off of the dragon, landing next to Arrolin.

"I have to admit that was quite impressive"

"Sure is! I've always wanted to experience flying on a dragon!"

"Haha, anyways uh, you're the new Star Savior, all right... I believe it's about time for you to take on the seventh challenge course. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

"Good, I like your enthusiasm. Let's go!"

Arrolin takes him to the challenge course that's filled to the brim with dash peppers, dragons and obstacles that include fire. He takes a deep breath and ran through the challenge course, he quickly gets it down, reaching the end. He almost crashed onto Arrolin when he grabs him to stop.

"Wow! Another challenge course completed, and in style, no less. Not that I ever doubted your speed and precision."


"Just learn to control when to stop and you'll be good- you'd almost fall off the edge and fall down below, you wouldn't want that happening"


"That's fine, here's my symbol" He places the symbol into the Saviour's hands.

"Take great caution of the next world, it's a canyon full of technology- but if you're not careful, you may fall or get electrocuted"

"Noted, who would live in that anyway?"

"A robot- Mino's a robot, but also a point. Don't think about it too hard"

"Well, thank you anyway, could you take me back?"

"Of course!"

Arrolin teleported him back to the entrance and watched as he left, he was greeted by Ploque just near the entrance.

"How's it going in Arrolin's world?"

"It was fun! I somehow convinced a dragon to take me through the skies!"

"Haha, Arrolin must've been shocked by that, normally his dragons only do that for him or at least when he tells them to do so"

"Yeah, I guess I'm headed to the next world"

"Oh yeah- you should go see Ulipse before you go there, she needs to talk to you. She's just by the entrance anyway"

"Me? What for?"

"I don't know really, so go see what she wants"

"Alright, thank you for telling me"

He walks over to where Ulipse was, her gaze seemed to be distant, as if lost in thought, she hadn't notice the Saviour's presence.


She turns around as she heard her name, her expression seemed more clamer than the previously angry expression she wore previously.

"...None of us used to be like this..."

"what do you mean?" Ulipse ignored his question.

"We used to be normal people, just like you... We were all turned into celestial beings at some point..."

"Nobody really knows how this happened... We've forgotten many of our memories after transformation... The only thing we have left are bits and pieces of our original personalities..."


"I apologize for being so rude to you earlier. You see, the only pieces I have left are my fear and rage at others. It's left me broken and misunderstood. Please don't judge me for the way I lashed out at you earlier"

"It's okay, I forgive you for it" He goes to hug Ulipse who hesitantly hugged back.

"Oh yeah, after Battery Canyon, is there another world after that?"

"Mhm. Distortion paradise is the last world you have to check, it's right down here from where we standing"

"I see, thank you"

Ulipse nodded as the Saviour headed to the world entrance behind them.

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