- fourteen -

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Is this actually happening or am I just that drunk? "I- um- I'm sorry." I say looking at her in the eye "Oh no, I'm sorry" she says and I can see she's about to walk away "You look good" I say "I know" she says with an obviously fake smile. "Vale, let's-" I turn to see Kylian. Right him. "Memo" he says with a fake smile "Kylian" I say returning the fake smile. This is awkward "Let's go" says vale grabbing his hand.

So funny I could punch him. Ha. "Mem- Valeee" says a very drunk Leticia coming out of the bathroom behind me. Vale and lylian stop in their tracks "Leticiaa" Vale says awkwardly "Ah, ya tienes otro novio. Good because m-emo doesn't want you anymore" she says with a laugh "Leticia" I say in a loud tone.

"Perdon, I'm just speaking facts" she says and I can see vale's mood shift "Que bueno, honesto. Yo y mi novio vamos ir a tener sexo en su caro" she says with a wink. Is she serious? I cant be mad. Her and kylian walk away and I try to go after her but Leticia grabs me "Memo let's go dance" she says and even if I did go after vale, what would I say?

Valentina's pov:

Her words crushed me. I won't lie that it hurt but it's just what I needed to hear. He doesn't want me anymore. Her words keep repeating in my head while I'm walking down the stairs. I almost trip on the last step when kylian catches me. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks and pull me into a downstairs bathroom "Hey, you good." He asks "Yeah. Sorry I just got distracted and sorry for what I said to memo" I say while tears fall down my face. Fuck. He laughs and says "Don't worry, it's what he deserved" and wipes my tears "Don't cry, it's not worth it" he says "Do you want to go home?" He asks me "No, let's just go drink" I say

I drag him out of the bathroom and of course the first person I see is memo. He doesn't see me but we walk over to Bruna and Neymar "Hola, mi Bebe. Estas llorando?" Says bruna standing up "No, no" I say but she's my best friend she can feel my tears a week before they're actually falling "Don't lie to me, Qué pasó?" She asks "Memo happened" says kylian "That mother fucker" says bruna while holding me "No, it's okay I'm not gonna let him ruin tonight. Let's go drink" I say "Ay, mija. Imma let you splurge right now because I know your hurt." She says and hands me a drink.

Memo? Don't even know who that is. I walk over to dance and honestly I can't feel anything anymore. I just start dancing and I'm just letting it all go. "Estas muy bueno" says a random and I immediately stop because I got uncomfortable "Ay, porque paras?" He says and grabs my waist. I pull away and look over at kylian but he's not looking. Bruna and Neymar are also gone. Fuck. He grabs me harder "Oh cmon just one dance" he says "No. please just let me go" I say still trying to get out this random grip.

He won't fucking let go and I'm gonna punch him. "Let me go" i say but nothing so I go to punch him. I turn as much as I can and throw a punch but mid punch I feel his hands leave my waist but I still hit someone.

Memos pov:

I spot vale and some guy that's not her suppose boyfriend with his hands around her waist. I try to look away but I can see her trying to get away. I walk closer to see better and I can see her still trying. Why isint anyone helping her. Fuck this.

I get even closer and hear her say "Let me go". I see him grip tighter so I go up and grab him. I pull him away when everything goes blank. What the fuck?

I fall to the floor, holy shit I'm bleeding. "Oh my god, MEMO?" I hear a feminine voice say but I'm woozy and can't see shit. I feel someone carry me up onto a chair "Memo? Memo? Oh my god. I think I killed him" Vale. I recognize her voice now. Fuck. Why did she do that?

I gain a bit of conscience and see a conceded vale in front of me. As well as her friends who are also here. "Hello? Memo? Are you awake?" She says "Y-eah" i say still trying to get straight. The music is still loud as hell. "He's not dead" she says and laughs "Why are you laughing?" I say.

Her face goes straight and she says "Let's move him outside. It's too loud in here. Someone grad the first aid kit" She says and Neymar carries me bridal style "Oh, my beautiful wife" he jokes and I can't help but laugh "Put me down I can't walk. She punched me in the face not my knee" I say and he puts me down but I can't walk straight so I put my arm around him and we walk out to the balcony.

I sit down down and vale sits next to me. "Okay, stay still" she says cleaning the blood with cotton. I flinched a bit "It's okay, it's just gonna hurt a bit"
She says with her soft voice "I'm sorry, I meant to punch the other guy" she says but I don't respond. "Okay it's just blood but if you want we would take you to the hospital" she says "It's just a punch. Not that big of a deal" I say. "Esta bien, se pueden ir. Gracias" she says to get group who is just watching if I'm okay. They smile and walk away.

"Done." She says but I stay silent and can't look up at her. She grabs my face and says "Don't worry. You still have your pretty face. Your rep is fine." She laughs but I still stay silent. "Perdón. No era mi intention." She says and I'm just sick of us having to pretend like this tension isn't here. I'm drunk enough plus she punched me. Cant get worst then this. I kiss her but she stops me "What?" I say "Are you fucking serious memo?" She says "What?" I say "You are so? Ugh. You can't just kiss me whenever you feel like it. You have a girlfriend, you can't do that. Stop making me believe you want me when you obviously fucking don't. It might not mean shit to you but it does to me. Cant you just fucking stop. I have feelings." She says crying "Vale, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"No, memo. No. I don't want to hear it. What you love me? You miss me?" She says laughing while still crying "Yes." I say quietly "Oh for fuck sake's. You don't love. You don't do the shit you do to people you love." She says "I know. Fuck. I'm sorry. I suck, I- I don't know how to explain my feelings. Everything has been different since we broke up. I don't know how to- fuck I just know that I want you" I say but she's doesn't even look phased. She stays silent.

"It's okay. Do you feel better?" She asks looking at my face that she punched "I'm fine but not without" I say "You're cheesy" she says laughing "Always" I say "You should go home" she says "Take me home" I say wanting to just go home but with her. "Fine." She says and rolls her eyes.

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