Meeting with ambition

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"Hey dad, how long are you going for?" Eiichiro asked through the food he was eating.

"Remember what I had said?" I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, don't talk with food in your mouth."

"And yet, you said that with food in your mouth," I chuckled.

Thinking back to his question, I really have no clue.

"I honestly have no idea how long I'm going for. The 2 month break since the last assignment is coming to an end, so I'll probably find out soon," I grumbled.

"Well, have fun," Eiichiro stated nonchalantly.

This was common practice now. I would leave for a while, come back, and then leave again. At first, it was difficult taking care of both him and getting money, but there's a little bonus to the organisation I'm aligned with. The place I work for deals with the children and provides them with what they need, so Eiichiro may have been separated, but he wasn't in a bad living situation.

"How are you going in school?" I asked.

"Good. With how much you ask this question I'm worried that you have dementia," Eiichiro chuckled.

As he said that, I got a call.

"Matsuo, your new assignment will be today. Please head to the specified address and meet with the client," the worker stated apathetically and hung up.

"Well, that's rude," I mumbled to myself.

I looked at my emails and saw the address listed there. It was a little bit far from my house, but I should get there in time if I leave soon.

But only if I leave soon, it's gonna be close.

"You got to leave?" Eiichiro asked questioningly.

"Yes. It seems that I'm called out now, I guess I can't be surprised," I began to take eat all of the food prepared in a quick manner.

I drank the coffee like I was downing a bottle of water, and practically inhaled the eggs.

"You're gonna die before you get to the car," Eiichiro stated, but I was already heading to my wardrobe.

I quickly opened the door and pulled out my nicest clothes. A nice white dress shirt along with some decent pants. I went to shave and get my hair done until I began to head to the door.

"You can go to school on your own today, right?" I asked Eiichiro as I grabbed my coat.

"Hmm? Yeah, sure," he replied disinterestedly.

"Alright then, I'll be off now."

I got in the car and began driving to the address.

"I wonder who they're gonna be this time," I muttered to myself.

CEOs, politicians, I've dealt with them over and over again. The organisation I work for is a simple service. They pay and I provide the services they need. Whether they wish for a bodyguard or simply a butler.

Out of those two, my expertise is the more boring. I simply cook and clean and do what they desire. People coming here for business, politicians who want to make a place extra nice for their visitors, such things I've seen countless times.

"I hope it won't be too much of a pain," I sighed.

Upon arriving at the address, I saw that the place I was tasked to go to was quite quaint. It was a simple diner that a family would go to. The entrance wasn't that of a European hotel and it didn't look to be anything special.

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