The Employer

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Matsuo and I walk through the dark tunnel. The only thing I see is a faint bit of light, so this may be some form of tunnel or sewer. We've passed by many rooms, whether it be more holding cells or just storage facilities. This place is probably run by someone with a lot of manpower.

I keep my hands on the walls and walk forward. Some insects show up, but they're the least of my worries now.

However, soon, I hear footsteps behind me. I can't tell how many people, it could be three or twelve. In such a dark tunnel, it's disadvantageous for us. Before the footsteps come closer, I grab Matsuo and head to one of the rooms on the side. It's a storage room, but there is light here. The boxes are on the side, so the center is essentially just free space.

"What was that for?" Matsuo whispered.

"You'll see soon," I already knew what was going to happen.

It's inevitable that they've seen us, it was dark, but they can still hear things.

"Nice hiding spot," the man who interrogated me opened the metal gate and waltzed in.

There was a tense atmosphere. He still had the same baton and looked to be playing with it, spinning it at a 360-degree angle

"I underestimated you a bit. You guys are a little more clever than I gave you credit for," the man chuckled.

I don't say anything and just look at him, waiting to see what he does. Matsuo is behind me.

The man stops spinning his baton and points it at Matsuo.

"I take it that you're important if he took you with him. Or maybe he just has a soft heart," the interrogator shrugged, acting like he didn't care about the reason.

He seemed quite boastful now.

"Surrender and come along with me. Or you could just suffer along with your friend, your choice," the man chuckled.

"Are you doing this for money?" I asked him, looking around the room at the same time.

The boxes at most can be used as a vantage point, but other than that, there are no tools to use. The only exit is the one behind the man in front of me.

"Money is a part of it, of course. People wouldn't do anything if it wasn't for money, that's what I believe. However, money isn't the only thing life is about and it isn't the only thing I gain from this job. Reputation is also on the line, obviously. If I don't succeed, the rich guy hiring me goes and talks to all his other rich friends and I don't get any more jobs. A shame, isn't it?" the man explained.

And then, from the same door behind him, many more men entered. They were all wearing various clothing and nobody looked the same as another. Some were carrying batons, others were carrying knives. Oddly enough, there was no one with a lethal weapon like the interrogator had warned me about. So I guess it could have been just a bluff.

Matsuo looked quite worried, but he remained silent.

"You see, people like me aren't compensated and have to go to other methods to make money. But someone as crazy as me doesn't value money over life. I would recommend not giving it up in vain," the man's voice went from boastful and now it had a serious tone. He had a cold smile plastered on as well.

"And if I refuse? Besides, don't you need me?" I asked.

"It's simple, honestly. We kill the person next to you and take you by force," the man stated as if he didn't care.

He probably didn't care about life as much as he made it out to be. If anything, it was just his own he cared about.

"I see. If I surrender, will you let Matsuo go?" I asked him.

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