Nothing But A Fool

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It's only been a few days in this place and I'm already accustomed to it. It's clear that this is a tourist rental from all the brochures here.

There were some for game shows, restaurants and to my surprise, there was a brochure for the Advanced Nurturing High school. It's an interesting place, but Eiichiro said he didn't want to go there and wanted to go somewhere more traditional. Maybe he didn't want to leave me for 3 whole years as well, but that's just a hunch.

"A place that gives you a 100% university acceptance rate? Sounds too good to be true."

I distinctly remember him saying.

And Ayanokouji seems to be a confusing kid in every way.

His presence reminds me of a black cat. His eyes remind me of a black cat. He's got a build that looks far above his age level. He's a person of few words. His voice has that kind of deadpan tone and some severance that cuts off understanding. A voice that can't seem to converse with anyone. One of the tones you hear once or twice in your entire life.

I want to learn more about him. He's not like the other kids I've seen, he's a complete enigma. A child at one moment and a mature adult at the next.

"Hey, Ayanokouji," I walked up to him.

He was simply looking out the window and looked to be daydreaming.

"Yes, what is it?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Is there anything you want?" I told him.

"Hmm, no, I'm fine right now. I'll ask you if I want anything,"  Ayanokouji didn't seem to get what I meant.

I guess asking what a person wants coming from the position of a butler allows for some misinterpretation.

"No, you misunderstand. Have you given any thought about the future?" I asked him again.

It's odd, normally I wouldn't care about this. I would do my job and keep our level of talk to that strictly of a client and an employee, but I can't. I know this is something I should probably not ask, but I want to anyway.

"The future? I can't really say I have," Ayanokouji shrugged.

"Really? Well, is there anything you like to do then?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say I have anything I love nor hate."

I guess some people may just be like that.

"You confuse me," I stated bluntly.

"I do? How so?" Ayanokouji asked curiously.

Shoot, I probably shouldn't have let that slip out.

I can't really backtrack now.

"Well, you just seem so normal yet odd. Your level of curiosity is something I've never seen, so I'm confused by it," I told him honestly.

People are confused by things alien to them. It's not a big revelation.

"I'd say that all people have an endless amount of curiosity. You were curious enough about me to ask me about it," Ayanokouji retorted.

Everyone has an endless amount of curiosity? I'd say that's generalising it a bit.

"Don't you think that there are people less curious about things than others?"

"Perhaps, but how do we not know that person just isn't curious about the same things we see? Curiosity is random, it can come at any moment. Even the most apathetic person will be curious about something," Ayanokouji explained.

I have to say, he makes a compelling point.

"Would you say that you're curious in everything?"

"I suppose so," Ayanokouji shrugged.

COTE: A Fateful Encounter In The PastWhere stories live. Discover now