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Looking at my locker, I knew it was altered. Studying in a computerized school, A rich school, cost me. I paid for it. Not with the money, but with my life.

"Who the fuck messed with my locker," I barked in anger, only one coming to mind. Bellamy Vonn. He would take the title of a Greek god if only he weren't a pent-up bully. He had a thing with making my life hell.

I trudged across the hallway, confronting the walking chaos himself. In this school, I knew no one and no one knew me. To them, I was just a coward hiding behind a black hoodie. Little do they know I hid bruises too.

I knew I had no strength in me, but in my world, I would rather go down fighting. Bellamy had a crew. Some boy who seemed closest to him. He had black wavy hair. He towered over me, just as Bellamy did. Some other boys I've never and will never meet and a bitch who threw herself constantly at him. That bitch is my stepsister.

Yeah, could my life be more of a mess?

My fist collided with his jaw, though I was weak, It seemed to hurt. It was like he gave them a signal, 'cause they didn't surround me to beat me up as usual.

He gritted his teeth in anger. His eyes were full of venom and hate, which I had grown accustomed to. He grabbed a fist full of my hoodie and jagged me against the wall. The pain shot through me, followed by the sound of a whimper.

Bellamy Vonn was once my comfort and world, but now he was nothing but an enemy. Drawing air desperately into my mouth to control the pain, I found my voice. "Why the fuck did you touch my locker, you bastard". His face returned to the cold and heartless self he is. Anger laced in his voice, "I didn't touch your locker".

I don't believe him.

I struggled as my yellow skirt shuffled on my knees. "I don't believe you". I felt people watching when the hood no longer hid my face. My blonde hair kissed the sweat on my cheek. It wasn't a lie that I'm terrified of Bellamy, just like I am of my stepfather.

I want to end all this; It has been my wish for a long time. I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. Bellamy just watched me struggle with his grip. He looked at me like he was searching for something.

Trust me, boy, there is nothing to find.

"Let go of me" I gritted out. A few more seconds, and he dropped me to moan of the pain in my back. I dressed my hoodie over myself and trudged to class, without my books. He'd better fix my locker, or I'll break a chair on his head. Even though I'm taught a lesson afterward.

No one noticed me walk into class, not even the teacher. That's how invisible I am in Mid-City High.

I took a sit at the back of the class, watching the computerized board. I've missed five minutes of class and needed to catch up.

Six periods went by and it was lunchtime. All the students were in the cafeteria. I couldn't buy food 'cause I have no money.

I went to the garden behind the school, it was a beautiful green grass. If I got permission to sleep or even live here, I would, but I couldn't. A voice announced the end of lunchtime, and I headed back to class.

Once I entered the class, I realized it was time I sat in front, 'cause Bellamy's crew sat where I used to. My heart beat faster when his dark eyes met mine, I cut it and approached a front seat. This was, unfortunately, the first time I sat near someone. The girl seemed to just stare at me. She was a black girl. I didn't return the stare.

I managed to force the notes of the day into a small notebook I brought from home. The class ended, and everyone shuffled out. Everyone except me. My nightmares were back; it was time to go home. The teacher packed his things, probably giddy to meet his family. What about me, I felt like dying right now. I stayed in my seat when everyone left. I'm Finally alone in class, or so I thought. I looked out to the grass, it brought a little peace for me to finally let it out.

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