Our First Time Together

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Bennett POV

*Running away*


??? POV

POV: Who is that? He human. Vision holder. Oh, Hilichurl attack, I should helps him. *Jumps out of the dark*

Bennett POV

^At 1265 HP^

*Pants* POV: THERE'S MORE!? I need help, but who would be in the middle of Wolvendom, I'm so deep in too! Oh lord, Barbatos, CAN YA GIVE ME A HAND!?*Looks up* *Watches as a mysterious figure kills the remaining Hilichurls*

??? POV

Hmmm... Hi, I'm Razor! Who is you?

^(Awkward Silence)^

Bennett POV

"Oh, Hi! I'm Bennett! Thanks for sav-" "SHHH!" Razor said to my face. "Follow me" Razor whispered into my ear. I followed him into a dark wooded thicket. Razor said that he lived here with his "Lupical". "What does Lupical mean?" Razor said in a soft voice "It means family." 

*Lauchurl Approaches*

"Bennett, stay here, I fight big Lauchurl. You are hurt." Razor said. I hopped up and said "NO! I'M NOT GONNA SEND YOU TO FIGHT A LAUCHURL! IT'S GIANT!" "No, you hurt, I can also grab honey and leaves to help you after," Razor said softly as he pulled out his claymore to fight the Lauchurl. He stared at him as he attacked the Lauchurl. "Wow... He can handle himself, but he..." His face turned red. 

Razor POV

*After fighting Lauchurl*

"Hmmm, where did Lupical find honey and good leaves for healing." *Runs back to Bennett to check on him* "How are you, strange person? You are hurt." The strange person said, "Yeah I'm fine, just stings a little, just a small nick." Razor asked,  "Can you take off your shirt quickly?" 

No One's POV

"W-w-what?!" Bennett asked. Razor tilted his head "To check if you have any other wounds? What else would I need your shirt off for?" Bennett's face turned bright red as he started to sweat when he took his shirt off. Razor said,  look fine but the closest place where we can find honey and good healing leaves are far away." Bennett asked, "What can we do so I can get home?" Razor picked some leaves off a mint plant. "How are you gonna make them stick?" Razor began licking the wounds on his back. "GAAHHH" Bennett yelped. Razor stopped and said, "I lick your back to make the leaves stick." "Oh, Okay," Bennett said as he calmed down. 

"Stay still. I will lick the wound until the leaf will stick." Razor said. "Why does he feel sweet?" Razor thought. Razor stuck the leaves onto Bennett's back. "There! All better!" Razor said. "T-thanks." Bennett was able to stutter out. *Wolf howling in the distance* "LUPICAL! In trouble! Go help!" Razor said before running off toward the wolf howl. Bennett Followed him but slowly. 

Bennett POV

"I hope he's okay." Bennett ran in on him and 10 treasure hoarders in a fight. The treasure hoarders weren't beaten up too badly. But Razor was laying on the ground in front of an injured wolf in a trap. "HEY! LET THEM GO!" *Treasure Hoarder sighs* "Oh great, another kid come to save this stupid wolf, we just need this thing's fur to make something." *Bennett pulls out sword* "You asked for this." 

"HmmmHmm" Razor only heard distant breathing of someone who didn't want to be seen. Then he heard a crossbow being loaded. Razor got up and jumped in front of the crossbow's shot to Bennett's back. 

Bennett POV

*Flesh being stabbed* "Gah..." *Turns around* "RAZOR!" *Runs toward him* "LET BOTH OF THEM GO!" *Charging sword* "Ha! Like we'd actually  you kid." *Launches attack and falls back* *Gets up and runs toward the large amount unconscious bodies* "RAZOR! WAKE UP!" *Shakes Razor lightly* *Razor opens his eyes* "I-I-Is Lupical okay?" Razor said weakly. *Bennett turns to the giant wolf in the trap* *Runs over and opens trap to free wolf* "I'll put bandages that Barbara gave me to use." *Wraps bandages around wolf's leg* "Oh, there is only enough for you." "Thank you human" the large wolf said. "YOU CAN TALK!?" "Of course, I am the only one who can talk out of our pack, I taught Razor as much as I know." 

*Large wolf picks up Razor and picks him up and puts him on a pile of leaves* "Do you think that you can bring him to your home to help him and bring him back here?" Bennett nodded hesitantly. Bennett puts Razor on his back to bring him to Moonstadt. 

"He's very light for his age, he looks about 16." Bennett thought. "He's so, soft. But he is a stone-cold killer, he killed that Lauchurl very quickly, and he was raised by wolves." Bennett thought. Then he felt warmth on his back, the wolf boy had snuggled up to him on his back and began quietly licking him out of affection. Until he reached the gates of Moonstadt. 

(Hey guysssssssssss Its a weird personnnnn, the authorrrrrrrr... I need ideas, AUs and ships are accepted, so if you have any ideas, please just comment)

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