What Will "She" Think?

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It's been about a month since Razor and Bennett started dating. But Ficshl still has been pestering Bennett for a while to become the prince of this "Paradise" that she created. *Someone knocks at door* "Benny? Who is at the door?" Razor asked Bennett as he jumped behind him after he heard the knock. "I'll go check..." Bennett said since Razor was still too afraid to go see anyone except Bennett, his wolf pack which he would occasionally visit, and Xiao and Venti who would talk to him sometimes. 

^At the door^

"Hey, Prince! How are you? Well, I'm good, so, have you told Razor that you're breaking up to be Prince of MY Paradise?" Ficshl said as she looked at Razor hiding behind Bennett. "Look Ficshl, I am still not gonna be the prince of your "Paradise" for the last time, Razor is clearly scared, so can you leave us alone?" Bennett said, trying to protect his boyfriend. 

"Razor, think Bennett... Nice... No like you, I like bird though..." Razor said as he looked at Ficshl. "Thank young acquaintance, I find your aesthetic very pleasing as well," Oz said as he looked at Razor. "Anyway, still Ficshl, leave me and Razor alone. We are going to sleep now..." Bennett said as he closed the door in her face. "She's meanie," Razor said as he clung to Bennett's back as he carried him to bed. 

^Later that day^

"Bennett? Do you love me?" Razor asked. "Uh... Of course Razor!" Bennett said. "Oh, Okay..." Razor said as he got out of Bennett's arms. "Does... He loves me?" Razor thought as he sat in the sun. "Maybe he like Ficshl... I should go back to Lupical..." Razor thought as he ran outside of the Moonstadt gates. "Lupical accepts me... He doesn't..." Razor kept repeating to himself. 

^Around an hour Later^

"RAZOR! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Bennett shouted in Wolvendom. "Why do you care so much about this wolf boy?" Ficshl said. "He's my boyfriend. Of course, I care." Bennett said. "Well, honey you know you always have a Princess waiting for you," Ficshl said. *Ficshl shrieks* "LAUCHURL!" Ficshl screamed as a giant Lauchurl ran towards them. "RAH!" Razor shouted as he jumped down from a tree and killed the Lauchurl. "Razor!" Bennett said as he went to hug Razor. "Razor don't want to talk to you." Razor said as he jumped out of the way of Bennett's hug. *Razor runs off into Wolvendom*

"Like I said honey, you always have me." Ficshl said to Bennett as she danced around him. "You can't force love Ficshl, It comes naturally. Like the winds and breeze." Said Venti from behind them. "Forcing love is like trying to get a mute to sing melodically," Venti said as he pointed to the skies. 

"It comes naturally, like pain and suffering. It might come to some, or to none." Xiao said as he walked out of the darkness with his Yaksha mask on. "Well I am the Prinzessin d-" Ficshl started saying before hearing a loud wolf howl in the distance. "That must be where Razor is!" Bennett said as he climbed a tree and quickly jumped on and off a tree and glided down. 

^When he got there^

*Bennett sees a large wolf silhouette in the distance* "RAAAHHH" Bennett heard as he saw a large flame arising from the woods. "I'LL GET YOU! DON'T WORRY YOU'LL BE FINE!" Bennett heard Razor yell. By the time Bennett had made it to the large flame, He didn't see Razor, the large silhouette of a wolf anymore but he had seen tons of treasure hoards shooting at a large pile of wood with a pile of white sticking out, he soon then realized it was the giant wolf they had trapped before which they were trying to burn in a pile of wood. 

"RAZOR! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Bennett said as he shouted into the fire. Bennett heard faint speech out of the sound of the crackling ashes "I'm not leaving without you, you my Lupical, family." That was all Bennett was able to hear out of the crackling smoke and fire. Assuming that his bad luck would interfere with saving Razor, but yet he blindly rushed in and took out the Treasure hoarders with one charged sword. 

*Barbara runs towards the large fire from the Cathedral to put it out* "Is everyone okay?" Barbara said as she put out the fire. "Y-y-yeah, just dizzy..." Razor said as he walked out of the fire chard with the large wolf silhouette carrying a large wolf out of the fire. "Oh no! Is it okay?" Barbara asked as she healed the large wolf. "She, not it..." Razor said as he lay down next to the burnt wolf. 

^Around two days later^

"Thank... you for help Razor and Lupical..." Razor said to Bennett as he stayed with the wolf day and night. "You save my Lupical... You part of my Lupical now." Razor said as he leaned on his shoulder. "Don't worry... I will make sure nothing happens to you or your Lupical." Bennett said as he watched Barbara heal the wounds on the wolf. 

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