Convey Your Emotions

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"Hmmm, Some advice, try to show it slowly instead of just overwhelming him with confessions," Aether said. "Okay? So I try to slowly approach him with these signs of affection?" Bennett asked. "Paimon thinks that's what Aether is trying to say, yes!" Paimon said before Aether opened his mouth. *Razor walks up to Bennett and grabs his shoulders* "Oh, hey Razor. I thought you were still sleeping. 

"Razor, want Bennett to go back to bed with Razor." Razor said as he put his arms around his neck. "Sure Razor. Ummm. Bye Paimon, bye Aether." Bennett said as he escorted his newfound love to bed. "Razor, want to be cuddled by Bennett." Razor said as he sat next to Bennett. "Okay Razor, if it will make you feel better." Bennett said as he cuddled around Razor. "Razor, like Bennett hug." Razor said as he snuggled around Bennett.

^About half an hour later^

*Bennett pets Razor on his head* *Razor Jolts up* "Huh? What's on my head?" Razor asked as he slowly brought his hand onto Bennett's hand. "Oh, I just wanted to scratch your head as you slept." Bennett said. "C-c-can you continue...? It feel good." Razor said as he pushed Bennett's hand to continue brushing his head. "Okay." Bennett said as he continued to stroke his head which seemingly made the young wolf boy feel good. 

^About an hour more of stroking later^

*Bennett slowly stokes Razor's soft spot* "Gah!" Razor yelped and covered his mouth. *Razor quietly groans* "W-w-What was that?" Bennett asked. "That Razor soft spot..." Razor said as he got up and quickly licked his cheek. "What was that for?" Bennett asked before Razor left the room. "Wolf licks give thanks, I give thanks to you," Razor said as he went to the main room. 

"Why does Razor feel nice being touched by Bennett?" Razor thought as he left the room. "Well, I guess I like him, I can ask Lightning Fang! Maybe he can help me!" "You called?" Lightning Fang to the young wolf. "Why am I feeling like this around a human?" Razor asked the large floating wolf. "Because you care about him, you have never cared this much about many people other than your Lupical this much, it's called Love." The large wolf said. "Oh, like when Lupical uses knot on other Lupical! Oh got it." Razor said as he responded to the faint wolf fading away. "Hmmm 'Love?'" Razor repeated. 

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