The Feeling is Mutual

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"UGGHH! Why did I have to touch him like that!? But he was so cute. He said in his head as he hit his head against the walls. *Razor walks back into the room and nuzzles his face against the adventurer's top* "W-w-what are you doing Razor?" Bennett asked as the wolf boy sat in his lap. *Razor licks Bennett on his face near his mouth* "Gah!" Bennett said as he pushed the wolf boy off his lap onto the bed. "W-what did Razor do wrong?" Said the young boy while trying to push his tears back. "Razor was just trying to give thanks... I didn't know I did anything wrong..." Razor said meekly as he turned to the wall and tucked his legs in. 

"WHY DID I PUSH HIM OFF LIKE THAT!?" Bennett shouted in his mind. "He was just trying to thank me... Now he's upset..." Bennett said in his head. "Well, I can try something..." Bennett thought as he pulled the wolf boy's face toward him. "Hmph... What does Bennett want" Razor asked, clearly angry at the Adventurer. "To try to calm you down..." Bennett said as he pulled his face towards Razor's. *Bennett kisses Razor* 

"There, be as mad as you want, but..." Bennett stopped himself from finishing his sentence because he didn't know how he'd react. For the first time since they met, Razor's face turned red at the sight of this gesture. He did not know how to react. So, he did what he felt like doing, he kissed him back. Bennett was shocked to see the boy's reaction. He knew that he liked him but he didn't know about what Razor thought of him. 

"So, ummm, Razor... I... like you... but I don't know how to feel about me..." Bennett said as he got ready to kiss the wolf boy again. "Razor... Love Bennett much too..." Razor said before they kissed again. 

^Around an hour later of that later^

Both of the boys laid on the bed with Razor curled on top of Bennett whilst Bennett was cuddling him. Bennett laying more consciously than Razor. As Razor groaned waking up from his drowsy consciousness. "So... are we mates now...?" Razor asked. Bennett paused before answering him. "Sure then. Babe." Bennett said. 

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