The Gates Of Moonstadt

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As Bennett walked through the gates of Moonstadt with Razor the wolf boy on his back. *Opens Cathedral doors* "Hey, Barbara." Bennett said as he approached Barbara. "Hey, Bennett! What happened this time?" Barbara asked without noticing the wolf boy on his back. *Shakes Razor to check on him* "Oh, is that why you're here?" Barbara asked. "Yeah, he was shot in the back and fought a Lauchurl." "What's his name?" Barbara asked. "Razor, I think," Bennett replied.

^About an hour later^

Bennett POV

"I wonder if he is o-" "I FISCHL! PRINZESSIN DER VERURTEILUNG. Have come to the Cathedral looking for the Adventurer That Bears The Worlds Curses to talk to." Bennett sighed. "What do you want Fischl?" "You see, I am looking for a prince to rule the paradise that I created for me and OZ." "WTF!?!?!?!?!?!" Bennett thought but restrained himself from saying.

"Fischl, you shouldn't just walk up to someone and say that..." Venti said with Xiao by his side. "What did she say about Prinzessin de whatever the hell the rest was," Xiao Asked. Venti looked over at Xiao "I honestly have no idea either. Yeah, guys, this is my friend Xiao. He's from Liyue and lives with Zhongli." Venti said. "Hmmm, wow a boring bard and commoner in my presence. How terrible Oz." Ficshl said. "WHAT!? DID YOU SAY ABOUT VENTI AND I!?!?" Xiao yelled at Ficshl while pulling out his spear. "Xiao, keep calm, carry on, okay?" Venti said calmly. "Besides she's always like. I've learned to deal with it." "Okay..." Xiao responded.

"Anyway, like I said I was here looking for a prince to rule the kingdom that I made for Oz and I" Ficshl repeated. "What's going on?" *Jean and Aether walk into the room* "Paimon thinks that Ficshl is full of herself." Paimon said. "I agree, but at least it's not 10-hour voice lines. Right Paimon?" Aether said quickly.

*Ficshl sighs* "I can't stand being around you commoners, me and Oz ar-" *Barbara walks out with Razor with bandages around his chest* "Hey guys! What's going on here?" Barbara asked. "Nothing..." Bennett said. *Razor looks around and sees 6 people and gets overwhelmed* "WHERE AM I? WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS LUPICAL?!" Razor asked frantically. *Jumps behind Bennett* *Venti and Xiao walk up to him slowly* "Hello young wolf-like boy. I'm Venti, this is my friend Xiao." Venti said as here introduced himself and Xiao. "Hmmm, you seem rather odd. But, I can't really say anything..." Xiao said. "Wow, this boy looks like a feral wolf, oh my archons he is hideous. Oz let's go, we must get away from these low lives."

*Oz and Ficshl leave the Cathedral* "I like her bird, hate her personality." Xiao commented. "You get used to it eventually," Bennett said. "She is, very judge," Razor said. "Yeah, she is..." Bennett commented.

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