Stick With Me

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"Anyway, Bennett he won't be able to do much over the next few days so he will have to go with you for a bit." Barbara said as Ficshl left with her faithful companion by her side. "Okay..." Razor said as he continued to hide behind Bennett talking quietly to Xiao and Venti. 

"C'mon Razor, you heard her, your gonna stay with me for a bit." Bennett said to Razor. "But, what about Lupical? What will your Lupical think?" Razor said as he questioned Bennett. "You'll be fine. My dads are very accepting." Bennett said to Razor to try to calm him down. 

*Walking out of the Cathedral* 

"So, where are you from?" Bennett asked trying to comfort Razor. "Razor... Not know where he from...I was raised with my wolf Lupical, I never knew about my human Lupical." Razor said in response. "Oh..." Bennett said. 

"Awe. Poor guy. He never knew his real family." Bennett thought as he stepped inside the Adventurers Guild's doorway. "Where is this?" Razor asked. "This is the Adventurer Guild's quarters where the members of the Adventurers Guild rest after their commissions are done," Bennett said as he explained the Adventurers Guild to Razor. 

"Well, this is my room." Bennett said as they walked into the room labeled "Bennett." "This room looks like it was set on fire." Razor said as he observed the room. "Yeah... That's mostly what happens in this room." Bennett said as he tried to comfort Razor. 

"He looks like a dog right now, acclimating to his new climate. He looks so cute!" Bennett thought. *Razor takes off hood* "AWWWWWW HE LOOKS SO CUDDLY!!!" was now Bennett's top thought. "You can sleep anywhere you want for the next few days?" Bennett said. "Okay, I sleep here." Razor said as he pointed to the grass outside. 

"No, no, no Razor. Barbara said you should try to stay on a soft suface for the next few days." Bennett said concerned about this person he seemed to care about. "But grass soft. I sleep on grass." Razor said. "What about you sleep with me, how does that sound?" Bennett said. "Okay?" Razor said with a confused face. 

^At Night Time^

"He seems to be comfortable." Bennett thought. "I wonder-" Bennett's thought was cut off by when the young wolf boy reached out and cuddled onto him. "Bennett, smell nice, warm, like wolf Lupical hug," Razor said as he talked to him in his sleep. Bennett hesitantly put his arms around his waist and cuddled him. 

^In Le Morning^

*Bennett sits up with Razor in his arms* *Razor nuzzles his face into Bennett's top* "Razor? You okay?" Bennett asked Razor as he lightly slept. "Mmmm, yeah... Bennett is... Warm... Very nice..." Razor said calmly. "Can Razor go home to wolf Lupical now?" Razor asked. "No, Barbara said you need a few days to heal," Bennett said, feeling bad for his new friend. "Oh, no, but what about my wolf Lupical? He was hurt too! I must check on him again." Razor said. "Don't worry. They'll be fine, Barbara said that you can go back in about 8 days or so." Bennett said. 

^As both of the boys walked around Bennett's room^

*Razor staring out the window toward Wolvendom* *Razor sighs* "I miss Lupical..." Razor said sadly. "Say, Razor, I and a friend are gonna go walk around for a bit, wanna come?" Bennett offered. "No... Razor wants to be alone..." Razor said as he lay down in the sun under the window. "Well, I can change out your bandage after we get back," Bennett said as he walked out the door. 

^After Bennett and Klee walked around Moonstadt^

"Bye Albedo! Cya Klee!" Bennett said as he walked back into his room. *Bennett hears loud screaming as he walked in* "WHAT'S GOING ON!? ARE YOU OKAY RAZOR!?" Bennett said as he ran over to him. "Thing, in, Razor foot, made crashing sound. It hurt..." Razor said as he sat on the ground with a large piece of glass in his foot. "Oh, you got a piece of glass in your foot," Bennett said as he observed the piece of glass in his foot. 

^After another visit to the Cathedral^

"How does your foot feel Razor" Bennett asked as he helped his limping friend out of the Cathedral. "It... Hurt... but it feel better than before..." Razor said as he took large breaths while he kept his arm on Bennett's shoulder. "C'mon, let's get back to my room and we can go to sleep again." Bennett said as they arrived at his room in the Adventures Guild. 

^About 7 hours later^

*Razor rolls on his back* "Razor can't sleep." Razor thought. "I wonder If Bennett would let me cuddle again." Razor wondered. "Well, he wouldn't mind right?" Razor thought as he cuddled on his chest until he slowly fell asleep. 

^In Le Morning^

*Bennett yawns* "Razor, you o-" Bennett asked before he was cut off by the sight of Razor sleeping on his chest. "Razor... Want Bennett to stay here... Please..." Razor said as he slightly woke up from his slumber. "Okay Razor" Said Bennett who felt very pleased for his request.  "Okay Razor." Bennett said trying to make sure that the young wolf boy didn't know how he felt. 

^Later when Bennett got up but Razor was still asleep^

"AETHER!!" Bennett shouted out to the male traveler. "What is it!? Is there a sign of my sister?! Did you find her?!" Aether asked frantically. "Paimon thinks that Aether should calm down," Paimon said as all three of them dashed toward the room where the wolf boy rested. "Oh, is Razor okay?" Paimon asked. "Yeah, but, I think I like him..." Bennett said trusting Aether and Paimon to help him convey his feelings. 

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