Chapter 5

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You walked out of the captain's quarters with Caspian right behind you. Lucy gave you a knowing smile when you emerged, but you just shook your head.

"Drinnion," Caspian said, calling the captain over, "gather the men, I have a little entertainment for them."

"Aye, your majesty," Drinnion responded.

"Entertainment?" you asked.

Caspian motioned to your sword that you had secured to your belt, "a duel?"

You chuckled, "I am afraid I am a little out of practice when it comes to dueling."

Caspian pulled the sword from his sheath, "then maybe this will give you some luck."

You looked at the engravings of the sword, the gentle shades of maroon and gold dancing in the sunlight. "That's Peter's," you said, pulling back.

Caspian nodded, "and it should be yours." He placed the blade in your hands and reached over, pulling your sword from your belt. "I'll take it easy on you," he laughed, putting a bit of distance between you.

You let Peter's sword rest in your hand for a moment, the familiar weight and handle melding into your skin, like it was meant for you and only you. Edmund and Lucy leaned on the railing, amused smiles on their faces, "you know we'll never let you live it down if High Queen (Y/N), the brave loses a fight," Edmund teased.

You rolled your eyes, "I haven't dueled in years, cut me a little bit of slack."

Lucy nodded to the crew who had now gathered to watch the duel, "Narnia watches, big sister."

You nodded, taking one more moment to let the sword rest in your hands before looking up at Caspian from across the deck, your long hair billowing in the breeze as you sized up your opponent.

Caspian was struck for a moment at your beauty, hair waving and hand gripping the sword lightly. He shook his head, clearing his mind before shouting across the deck, "ready?"

You brought your sword in front of you, letting your arms get used to the movement, then you looked up with a smile and nodded.

Caspian charged first, he was more powerful, but you were quicker. You ducked under the swipe, turning and aiming a strike at his legs, which he narrowly blocked. He pulled his sword from the opposite direction, trying to draw you off balance, but you moved on instinct now, rolling out of the way and popping back up to a standing position.

Caspian chuckled before charging again, his sword raised high. You brought your sword to meet his, blocking high and holding his gaze as he leaned in closer. You smiled as you pushed off, causing Caspian to fall of balance just enough for you to capitalize. You swept his leg, watching him fall onto his back on the deck of the ship, you lowered your sword to his chest with a smile, "I'll accept your surrender, King Caspian," you said, a teasing smile on your face.

Caspian smiled as you held out your hand, helping him back up, "I guess you haven't forgotten how to fight."

You shrugged, "I have always loved a good fight." Caspian looped his arm around your shoulders, handing his sword off to Drinion. "Alright men, back to work," Drinion instructed.

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