Chapter 6

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You, Caspian, Lucy and Edmond leaned on the railing of the ship as the rest of the crew bustled about. Reepicheep leaned on your shoe as he too watched the others run about with their duties.

Eustace came sulking out from the barracks below, his face was a pale greenish color from being sea sick. "How are you feeling, Eustace?" you asked as he slumped on the deck next to you.

"How does it look like I am feeling, cousin," he asked, his words were argumentative, but his tone was tired, "I have been kidnapped in some strange land, I am constantly sick from the waves, I have no idea where I am, and I am starving."

Edmond rolled his eyes as Eustace complained, but Caspian leaned forward, "kidnapped?" he asked, "I do believe we saved your life."

"You held me against my will," Eustace challenged, "I told you I wanted to speak to the British Council."

"You're in Narnia, Eustace," Lucy said politely, "there is no British Council for you to find."

Eustace crossed his arms, "I want to go home." His tone was sad, like he felt out of place and alone.

You sighed and knelt down next to him. Caspian watched you as your kind eyes met Eustace. "If there is one thing I learned from this, it is to enjoy being while you can," you explained, "we go home eventually and I always miss this place. So take it in," you gestured to the clear waters around you and the way the warm sun hit your skin, "because there is no place more beautiful."

Eustace nodded and closed his eyes, letting the wind blow through his short hair. Eventually his shoulders relaxed and he looked at peace. You smiled and stood up, "I think I am going to take my own advice and sit at the helm," you said to the others.

"I'll join you," Caspian said quickly, chasing after you as you climbed the steps to the helm of the ship.

Lucy and Edmund shared a smile, "do you think she will leave him a second time?" Ed asked.

Lucy sighed, "it was so hard on her before, she would go back for us though."

Edmund nodded, "she really belongs here, you know."

Lucy smiled, "I know."


You leaned comfortably on the deck, your head in Caspain's lap as you both watched the waves. He played with your hair lightly, his fingers brushing gently on your face.

"I've missed you," he whispered.

You looked up and met his eyes, "I've missed you too, everyday."

Caspian opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it, thinking better than to say what was on his mind. "What is it?" you asked.

He bent his neck down and placed a kiss on your forehead, "it's nothing."

You reached up to place a hand on his cheek, "I know you better than that Caspian, what's going on?"

He sighed and looked out at the waves, not meeting your eyes, "it's what you told Eustace, about going back eventually."

You knew the question was coming, you just hoped you could have a little more time to just enjoy being back, "you want me to stay."

"Of course I want you to stay, (Y/N)," he responded, "I wanted you to stay all those years ago, and now all I can think about is being with you, only for you to leave again when the job is done."

You sat up, pulling his face to look at you, "I want to stay, I love it here, and I love you," you explained, "but my family, they need me, if I stay they are alone."

Caspian looked confused so you recounted the story of being stuck in England, quickly having to become an adult and take care of your siblings and cousin. "I find myself wishing that Peter was still at my side, that he was helping me," your floodgates have opened and Caspain held you tightly, "I am not ready to do it alone, all I have thought about was taking care of them alone."

Caspian rubbed your back lightly, "I understand, Peter was always with you, and now not only is he halfway around the world, you have to take care of everyone. It isn't fair," he soothed.

You shook your head, "Caspian I want to stay with you, I wanted to all those years ago," you wiped a tear from your face, "but they need me."

Caspian shushed you quietly, "it's okay." He held you as the waves rocked the boat and you fell asleep in his arms. He brushed hair out of your face as you slept. He desperately wanted you to stay with him in Narnia, and he still held hope that you would change your mind. But now wasn't the time to push you, he knew you had been the reliable one for so long that you needed someone to take care of you for once. He smiled as he watched you sleep, the woman he loved more than anything and he was desperate to protect you from everything that was coming. 

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