Clowns,Circles,And Clowns Holding Circles

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~~~~UNKNOWN POV~~~  

That Clave Claire girl or whatever her name is she better step down from my man or I will find her and make her murder an "accident".    

~~~~CLAIRE'S POV~~~~         

Harry wakes me up from his movement."Harry is the movie over?" I sleepily asked."No it's half through." Then as soon as he says that I hear the sound of the clown and a girl screaming with the blade of the knife making a shing shing sounds.I jump when that happens Harry chuckles at me for that."Harry that's not funny.'' I whispered scared and hug him tighter."Claire your hurting me..can't...breath.'' He said through gasps."Well that's what you get for making fun of me Styles.'' "Sorry but it's funny.''

''NO It"S NOT!!" and I get up and face him someone puts their hand on my shoulder."AHH ITS GOT ME HELP THE KILLER CLOWN!!'' I say throwing my hands up in the air and waving them while running in circles around the living room.Everyone in the room starts laughing when I stop and realize it was Lydia she was rolling on the floor crying from laughter."LYDIA YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!" I run up the stairs to my room and get a big poster board and draw clowns holding perfect circles I take it down stairs.Everyone has stopped their laughing fits but they're about to laugh even more.

"Hey Lydia I gotta gift for ya.Wanna know what it is?"       

"A gift YAY! What is it?!" She said excited  I pulled it the poster from behind my back and put it in her face and watched her reaction.

"YA-- AHHHHHHHH! CIRCLES CLOWNS,CLOWNS HOLDING CIRCLES!!!" Then she starts running in a square form. 

"That's what ya get for making fun of me.Zayn you will be next so be prepared for the worst." I say evilly then walked off to my room like a boss.I sit on my comfy bed and start planning the prank on Zayn."Hmm maybe replacing his after shave with some glue." I walk to my closet and lay down on my sleeping bag that I put there and sleep.Until morning.      


It seems that I'm always ending my chapters with Claire falling asleep.So if you guys don't mind please comment how you think my chapters should end.Also please vote, read ,and comment. Thanks for reading my stories.

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