Really Not What I Thought At All

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles


Hey guys I'M BACK! So please read my best friends story please it's called It's Not So Great Without You.So please enjoy both of our stories.Thanks for reading mine.                                            


~~~UNKNOWN POV~~~~~~ 

I was walking in the grocery store when I hear a group of girls also most scream when they saw this girl around my age which is 19.They whisper shout to each other saying that's Harry's girlfriend.I could hear because I have super hearing.But as soon as she gets out of site from people she is going to get a major beating from me. 

 ~~~~~~~CLAIRE'S POV~~~~~~~~~

I turn to see who tapped me on the shoulder and it was a group."Man I hope these girls aren't those crazy fans that would probably rip you apart if you touch the boys." I thought but I was a fan of them too but not to the point that I would do that to someone."Hey can we have your autograph?" A  girl with blond hair said handing me a book and a pen."Sure what's your name?" I said politely "It's Diamond?" She said. "That's a really pretty name." I state "Thanks."

She says cheerfully I hand her back her book now with me signature."Could you sign my too my name Daisy!" A brunette girl says to me."Sure." I say and sign it there were five of them they all looked nice I sign the three girl's note book."We like that you and Harry are dating.'' The blond girl states while smiling."I like that fact too."

I say also smiling at that fact.I talk to the girls for about what seemed like a couple of minutes but those minutes was accullatly hours.So when they left I finished my shopping and started to walking home.I was at the steps of the house when someone from behind me pulls my hair and starts beating my.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET BITCH FOR BEING WITH MY MAN!!" The unknown person said to me in harsh tone.But I could tell that the voice was female she gave me one more hit and that hit was really painful I heard her laugh and run away.I was fighting the blackness but it was to strong the blackness came over me and I was out.    

~~~~~~~~HARRY'S POV~~~~~~~


Ed had left and I asked Lou were Claire was he said that she was going to get some food at the store.So I rested on the couch Lou suggested that we watch a movie and so he popped it in the movie was Grown Ups.Half way through the movie I fell asleep and had the  strangest dream and it was about Claire she was doing shopping and when she was done and had her bags she walked home.She was walking on the side walk there was something strange though there was a shadow following her around every block.Then she came to our house at the steps just when she was about to ring the door bell the shadow grabs her and starts beating her the shadow also screamed something at her.When it was done the thing looked at me and left I woke up.


"Wow Lou how long was I asleep?" I say sleepily."Umm about two hours." He replies  ''Has Claire come back yet?" I ask "No not yet." He answers shaking his head.That's not like her she would have called or something."Lou I'm going for a walk k." I tell "Ok'" He says with his eyes glued on his phone.

 I open the door with the thought of what that dream meant then I almost stumble but I caught myself I look down to see what I almost tripped over.It was Claire on the porch out cold then the flashes of my dream start coming to me this is what it means it was telling me to watch her.I get down on my knees and shake her tears streaming down my face and hoping that she is not dead.I scream her name loud."CLAIRE WAKE UP CLAIRE CLAIRE!!" Then I scream "LOU CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" Louis rushed to see why I needed him to do that then he seen and knew what to do.Minutes later I hear the vehicle pull up they rush and pick her up put her on the stretcher and they tell me that only one party is aloud to go.Lou was beside me he pushed me and told me to go so I did we were now in the van we arrived at the hospital in what seemed like seconds.This reminded me of how she almost died due to fairly drowning.I don't want her to die she almost died last time.The nurses are rushing her into a room one nurse pulls me away from her she tells me I can't go into the room.

 I ignore her and try to go but it's to late she's already in that room all I see is her favorite shoes that happen to be her favorite color.They were converse and they were blue sky blue her favorite color.I sat down and started to cry I put my head in my hands and sob thinking that I probably wouldn't see her again.All that I have is hope that she is ok and do I hope she's  ok.


Hey this is Mary.Also I left you guys hanging huh? What do you think is going to happen? Please comment,Share,Vote,and please continue to read my story also please read my friends story It's Not So Great Without You.Thanks agian for reading.

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