Almost exposed

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"You were gone," Bella says as she looks through the microscope. "Yeah.......Personal issues," Edward says, hoping Bella would buy his lie, "Prophase," Bella says as she moves her face from the microscope. "Mind if I look?" Edward asks with a slight smile on his face. "Sure," Bella says quietly. Edward takes the microscope, and when he looks through it, he realizes that Bella was right and that it was prophase. "Prophase," Edward says, a little embarrassed. "Like I said," Bella says with no emotion. "So, you like the rain?"  Edward asks, trying to stop the awkward pause between them. "You're asking me about the weather?" Bella asks awkwardly. "Yeah...I guess I am," Edward replies shyly. "I don't like the rain," Bella admits. "Then why'd you move to the wettest town in the whole continental U.S.?" Edward asks with a smirk. "It's...Complicated," Bella says with a sigh. "I'm sure I can keep up," Edward says, still smiling. "Uh, Phil is a minor league baseball player, so he travels a lot, and my mom always goes with him," Bella explains. "So you're unhappy?" Edward says with a small smile. "Yeah, kind of," Bella says, frowning.

A/N I know that this isn't the exact dialogue, and I apologize if this upsets you

The bell rings, and Bella and Edward walk into the hallway. As they are walking, Bella notices Edward's eyes. "Are you wearing contacts?" Bella asks, taking a closer look at Edwards's eyes. "No," Edward says, looking a little nervous. "But...The last time I saw you, you had dark eyes," Bella says, a little confused. "It's um...the fluorescents," Edward says, quickly walking away. "I swear his eyes were dark," Bella says to herself. "Hey, Arizona," Mike says happily. "Hey," Bella replies with a small smile. "I saw you with Edward Cullen," Mike says, his smile slowly disappearing. "Is there something wrong with that?" Bella tells her smile, turning into a slight frown. "Well, it's just...I don't like you with him, and I think you should stay away from him," Mike says with a severe face. "And who are you to decide that?" Bella asks, irritated. "Bella, he looks at you like you're a snack," Mike says in an annoyed voice. "Okay, well, I can hang out with anyone I like," Bella growls and storms away. "I take that she didn't like you telling her what you think is best for her?" Jessica asks as she walks over to Mike. "No, she didn't," Mike says, frowning. "Sooner or later, she's gonna see that we are right," Jessica says confidently. "Yeah, you're right," Mike says with a small smile. "Come on, we need to get to class; the bell's about to ring," Jessica says, grabbing Mike's wrist and pulling him down the hallway.

During lunch, Bella ate nothing; she was too focused on Edward. Bella was curious, and she wanted to know more about Edward. "Earth to Bella," Eric says, waving his hand in front of Bella's face. "Oh, sorry, what?" Bella asks, turning her attention back to her friends. "Jessica asked if you'd wanna go shopping with us for prom," Angela says with a smile. "Uh...Sure, why not?" Bella says with no emotion. "Sweet," Angela says excitedly. "Hey, Edward Cullen is looking at you," Mike says with a scowl. Bella looks over at the table where the Cullens usually sit, and Edward quickly looks down at his food. "I guess he finally found someone good enough for him," Jessica says with a small smile.

Bella was outside listening to her music and saw Edward staring at her from across the parking lot. Just as Bella was zipping up her backpack, a blue van came sliding straight toward Bella. Bella turned around and went in immediate shock. "This is it. This is where I die," Bella thought. Just as the van was about to hit Bella, Edward grabbed Bella and stopped the van with his hand. Bella and Edward stare into each other's eyes before Edward quickly runs away. All the students in the parking lot came running and crowded around Bella. "Call 911," One student shouted. "The paramedics are on their way," Another student said

A few minutes after Bella got to the hospital, Charlie burst through the doors and rushed to Bella. "Bells, are you alright?" Charlie asks worriedly "I'm fine dad, calm down," Bella says with no emotion "I'm so sorry Bella, I tried to stop" Tyler apologizes "It's okay Tyler" Bella says with a small smile "It's sure as hell not okay," Charlie says angrily "Dad it's not his fault-" Bella starts to say but gets cut off by Charlie "You could've been killed, do you understand that?" Charlie asks sternly "Yeah but I wasn't so..." Bella trails off "You can kiss your license goodbye," Charlie says glaring at Tyler. "I heard the chief's daughter was in here," Dr. Carlisle Cullen says as he walks into the room. "Dr. Cullen," Charlie greets "So Isabella," Carlisle says looking down at the chart on the clipboard "Bella" Bella politely corrects him "Well Bella, it looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?" Carlisle asks as he takes out his pen flashlight "Good" Bella says looking at Carlisle "Look here" Carlisle says shining the light into Bella's eyes "You might experience some post-traumatic stress and some disorientation, but your vitals look good, and no signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine" Carlisle says with a smile. I'm so sorry Bella. I'm really-" Tyler says but gets cut off by Charlie yanking the curtain closed. "You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way." Bella says with a small smile "Edward? Your boy?" Charlie asks looking at Carlisle "Yeah, it was amazing. He got to me so fast! He was nowhere near me." Bella says amazed and still in shock. "Sounds like you were very lucky," Carlisle says smiling at Bella. "Charlie," Carlisle says, walking out with Charlie and Bella following him. "I gotta go sign some paperwork, but you should call your mom," Charlie says looking at Bella "You told her?" Bella asks a little upset. Charlie gives Bella a look and then walks to the front desk to sign some paperwork.

Carlisle is unhappy with Edward; he risks the entire family and almost exposes them. "Go to my office and stand in the corner, Edward," Carlisle says sternly. "Yes, sir," Edward says, nervously approaching Carlisle's office. Carlisle needed a moment to calm down because if Carlisle spanked Edward while he was angry, then he might go overboard and hurt Edward. "Don't go too hard on him; he was protecting someone he loves," Esme said before kissing Carlisle and heading upstairs. "Edward, come out of the corner and sit on the sofa, please," Carlisle says, walking into his office. Edward walks over to the sofa and sits down, letting out a shaky breath. "Edward, I understand that you were protecting Bella, but you put us all at risk," Carlisle says sternly. "I couldn't let her die," Edward says, defending himself. "I'm not saying that you should've, but you should've been more careful," Carlisle says, disappointed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have saved her," Edward says, looking down at his lap. "You did the right thing by saving Bella; I'm proud of you," Carlisle says, walking over to Edward and lifting his chin. "I'm so sorry, Dad," Edward says, feeling incredibly guilty. "Look, Edward, you know I do this because I love you," Carlisle says, rubbing Edward's shoulder. "I know," Edward says sadly. "Come on, let's get this over my lap, please," Carlisle says sternly. Edward walked over to Carlisle and bent over his lap. "Edward, I'm proud of you for saving Bella, but you can't risk exposing us like that," Carlisle says sternly. "Yes, sir," Edward says quietly. "Okay then, let us begin," Carlisle says before landing the first smack.
The more smacks that came, the more the pain kept building up, but Edward refused to make noise; he didn't want to come off as weak. With each smack that landed on Edward's upturned bottom, he yelped and grunted but wasn't crying yet. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "You will never SMACK ever SMACK do something like this SMACK ever again!" Carlisle says, not missing a beat. Carlisle then pulled down Edward's pants and boxers and started spanking Edward on his bare bottom," SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Edward finally breaks and starts sobbing and pleading for Carlisle to stop. "Are you ever gonna do something like this again, Edward?" Carlisle asks sternly. "N-n-no ss-sir," Edward sobs out. "Good," Carlisle says, rubbing Edward's back. "You have five more, and then we're done," Carlisle says in a sympathetic voice. "O-o-ok," Edward sobs. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Okay, Edward, it's over now. Sh sh sh sh sh," Carlisle soothes. "I-I-I-I'm ss-s-sorry, dad," Edward sobs. "You are forgiven," Carlisle says as he sits Edward on his lap. "Bella is very grateful that you saved her life, and so is Charlie," Carlisle says, rubbing Edward's back, "Good," Edward says, then lays his head on Carlisle's shoulder. "I'm very proud of you, Edward," Carlisle says, rubbing Edward's sore bum. "Thanks, Dad." Edward smiles.

Holy shrimp, 1582 words! I think this is one of the most extended chapters I have ever written! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye :-)

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