Renesmee in trouble

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A/N I changed things up a few things about Renesmee. In this chapter Renesmee is 15 years old and she doesn't have to be concealed from the human world 

"Renesmee, time for school" Edward says lightly shaking Renesmee "No, I hate school" Renesmee says and rolls on her other side "You'll survive" Edward smirks "Ugh, why does it have to be Tuesday?" Renesmee groans "Better than Monday" Edward says "Leave me alone dad" Renesmee says and pulls he blanket over her head "Renesmee Carlie Cullen, get up right now" Edward says sternly "No, leave me alone" Renesmee groans. "Renesmee, you have three seconds to get up or else you're in trouble" Edward says sternly "Piss off" Renesmee says "One....." Edward says "Two....." Edward says raising an eyebrow "Fuck off dad!" Renesmee shouts "Three, ok that's it!" Edward shouts. Edward lifts Renesmee up and out of bed and places her over his knee.
Edward reached twenty smacks and then pulled down Renesmee's pajama pants and panties and started smacking Renesmee's bottom again. Renesmee was yelping and crying after each smack that landed on her bottom. Renesmee has a low pain tolerance so even though Edward was spanking Renesmee at a medium hardness, it still hurt. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW DAD!!" Renesmee cried SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. Renesmee was kicking her legs and squirming around on Edwards lap trying anything to stop him from spanking her but nothing worked. Edward trapped Renesmee's legs and tightened his grip around her waist so Renesmee could try to kick and squirm all she wanted and she wouldn't be going anywhere. "WHEN I TELL YOU TO GET UP!! SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK YOU! SMACK SMACK SMACK GET UP!!" Edward scolds "OW!! YES DADDY!! OWIE I'M SORRY!! OWWWWWW!" Renesmee sobbed. "Renesmee, you have five more and then you're done. Ok?" Edward says sweetly "O-o-o-okay dd-dad-daddy" Renesmee sobs SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Ok sweetheart, you're done, sh sh sh sh sh" Edward says. Edward sits Renesmee up on his lap and starts rubbing her back and whispering soothing things into her ear "I'm gonna get ready for school" Renesmee says "Ok baby girl, I'll be downstairs and I'll tell mom to not bring up your spanking" Edward says shutting the door. "Ok, what the heck should I wear today?" Renesmee says to herself. oOoOO everyone wears this" Renesmee says picking something out "oOoOo and this is so soft" Renesmee says picking another thing out "and these will pull the outfit all together" Renesmee says picking the final thing out. Renesmee puts on her outfit and walks downstairs

*Renesmee's outfit*

"Hi mom" Renesmee says "Hi honey" Bella says "what's for breakfast? It smells delicious" Renesmee says with a small smile "blueberry pancakes

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"Hi mom" Renesmee says "Hi honey" Bella says "what's for breakfast? It smells delicious" Renesmee says with a small smile "blueberry pancakes. Take a seat, they'll be ready in a minute" Edward says smiling "Yay" Renesmee says smiling. "I heard you got spanked upstairs correct?" Bella asks sternly "Yes ma'am" Renesmee frowns and sits down at the table "your father told me not to bring it up but I just want to make sure that we're on the same page" Bella says sitting next to Renesmee "We are ma'am" Renesmee says still looking down "Do not call me "ma'am" I hate that so much" Bella says sternly "I'm sorry mom" Renesmee says apologetically "it's ok hon bun" Bella says giving Renesmee a side hug "All is forgiven Nessie bear" Edward says sweetly "Ok.....So.....Honey we should tell her" Bella says looking at Edward "Tell me what?" Renesmee asks "So, Renesmee, we sold our cottage and we're gonna be living with Grandma and Grandpa" Edward says "Why?" Renesmee asks getting angry that she wasn't consulted in any of this "Because it turns out that our cottage is on a vampire coven territory that's not ours and grandpa tried to make a deal with the other vampires but they wouldn't listen so we have to move" Edward says "THIS IS SO FUCKING UNFAIR!" Renesmee screams and runs out the front door. "I knew we should've told her sooner" Bella says sadly shaking her head. "Let's give her some time" Edward says sympathetically "Ok" Bella says.

Renesmee went to the very top of a cliff to release her anger and cry, Renesmee is so angry that her parents kept this a secret from her, so angry that she had to leave her home, so angry that the vampires from the other coven couldn't be understanding. 10 minutes later, Renesmee has released all her anger and is now sobbing into her knees. "Renesmee?" Jacob asks as he approaches Renesmee "Y-y-y-yeah" Renesmee sobs "What's wrong?" Jacob asks concerned "My mom and dad told me that we're moving in with my grandma and grandpa because some stupid vampires from another coven apparently own the property our cottage is on and my mom and dad never told me any of this" Renesmee sobs "So you ran away?" Jacob asks "Yeah, and before I ran away I swore at them. I'm a horrible daughter" Renesmee sobs "Sh sh sh sh sh, you're ok Nessie. You are not a horrible daughter, your mom and dad still love you very much and they will never stop" Jacobs says as he rubs Renesmee's back "I know I'm gonna get spanked again" Renesmee cries into Jacobs chest "Again?" Jacob asks "I refused to get up for school this morning and I swore at my dad so my dad spanked me" Renesmee cries "Nessie, you can't do stuff like that, and you're supposed to be at school right now?" Jacob says "Yeah I am but there's only fifteen minutes left" Renesmee says and starts sobbing again "Sh sh sh sh sh Nessie, it's ok sh sh sh sh sh" Jacob soothes. 20 minutes later Renesmee stopped sobbing and is now sleeping in Jacobs arms. Jacob takes Renesmee home and explains everything to Bella and Edward. "Thank you so much Jacob" Bella says "Thank you for talking to her and bringing her home safely" Edward says "Not a problem, see you around guys" Jacobs says before leaving the cottage. "Edward, don't go too hard on Renesmee, this is partly our fault, we should've told her sooner. I understand that what Renesmee did was wrong but we provoked her actions so please don't go too hard on her" Bella says "Don't worry, I won't" Edward says giving Bella a kiss before heading upstairs. 

Edward goes upstairs and knocks on Renesmee's door and what he hears on the other side of the door is heartbreaking. On the other side of the door Renesmee is sobbing. "Hey honey" Edward says and goes and sits on Renesmee's bed "I'm so sorry daddy. I'm so so so sorry. I'm the worst daughter ever" Renesmee sobs "Sh sh sh sh sh, it's ok honey sh sh sh sh sh. You are not the worst daughter ever, you are the best daughter ever and sometimes the best daughter ever makes mistakes but she learns from them" Edward says with a sympathetic smile "Daddy, I know I'm gonna get a spanking so can we please just get it over with?" Renesmee asks with tears in her eyes "Yeah, sure sweetie. Come here" Edward says patting his lap "I'm sorry daddy" Renesmee says "I know you are" Edward says before starting the spanking 

Edward reached twenty smacks and then pulled down Renesmee's jeans and panties and started smacking Renesmee's bottom again. Renesmee was yelping and crying after each smack that landed on her bottom. Renesmee has a low pain tolerance so even though Edward was spanking Renesmee at a medium hardness, it still hurt. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW DAD!!" Renesmee cried SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. Renesmee was kicking her legs and squirming around on Edwards lap trying anything to stop him from spanking her but nothing worked. Edward trapped Renesmee's legs and tightened his grip around her waist so Renesmee could try to kick and squirm all she wanted and she wouldn't be going anywhere. "I KNOW YOU WERE UPSET THAT WE DIDN'T TELL YOU THAT WE ARE MOVING BUT THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TREAT US THE WAY YOU DID AND ON TOP OF THAT YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL!!" Edward scolds SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OW!! YES DADDY!! OWIE I'M SORRY!! OWWWWWW!" Renesmee sobbed. "Renesmee, you have five more and then you're done. Ok?" Edward says sweetly "O-o-o-okay dd-dad-daddy" Renesmee sobs SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Ok sweetheart, you're done, sh sh sh sh sh" Edward says. Edward sits Renesmee up on his lap and starts rubbing her back and whispering soothing things into her ear. "You did so well baby girl" Edward says rubbing Renesmee's back. "I'm sorry daddy" Renesmee sobs "I know sh sh sh sh sh" Edward says "Hey Renesmee" Bella says as she walks into Renesmee's bedroom "Hi mom, I'm really sorry" Renesmee sobs "I forgive you baby girl" Bella says hugging Renesmee.

All was well in the Cullen house hold again

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