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"Please, just give her a chance" Carlisle said, "She didn't know what she was doing, we'll take responsibility for her" Esme said, "Fine, I'm feeling generous today so she can have a chance. I would like to go home now" Jane said. The Volturi turned on heel and sped away. "Welcome to the family Bree" Alice said, "Thanks for wanting to help me and I'm sorry I wanted to kill you Mrs. Cullen" Bree said, "You don't need to apologize, you're a newborn and it's hard to control your thirst right now and please call me Esme." Esme said "Why don't we go hunt some animal blood" Emmett said, offering Bree his hand "Okay" Bree said.

Bree and Emmett sped off into the woods to go find an animal to kill. "I can't wait to get Bree's room ready" Alice said excitedly, "How are you going to train her?" Bella asked, "We'll keep feeding her animal blood and show her a better way of life" Carlisle said. "Alice honey, why don't we let Bree decide what she wants to do with her room" Esme said, "Yeah let's now stress her out. She's already going through so much already." Carlisle said "Aww" Alice said, "You know, I'm thinking about getting my office re-done, maybe you can help me Alice" Esme said, "Deal" Alice said, hugging Esme.

The Cullens go back to the house and Bree and Emmett arrive a few minutes later. "Hey, how was the hunt?" Esme asked, "It was awesome! Emmett tackled a full grown grizzly bear to the ground and had a wrestling match with it!" Bree said excitedly, "Yeah that's Emmett" Esme said with a chuckle, "What did you hunt Bree?" Carlisle asked "I hunted three doe's" Bree said, "How are your cravings right now?" Jasper asked, "Good, I'm full for now but I hate the burning feeling that will come later" Bree said, "Yeah you'll get used to it. All of us had too" Edward said, "We also have human blood in the fridge but it's for emergencies only. If you need some please ask us first" Carlisle said, "Yes sir" Bree said, "You don't have to call me sir, in fact I would really like it if you didn't call me sir" Carlisle said, "Okay" Bree said, "I'll help you unpack your stuff" Alice said, "Thank you but I don't have any stuff. The only stuff I have right now are the clothes that I'm wearing" Bree said sadly, "We can go shopping tomorrow if you'd like" Rosalie said, "Thanks. Wow, no one has ever gone through this much trouble for me" Bree said, "Honey it's no trouble at all, we want to care about you and we love you" Esme said, 

"Thank you all so much" Bree said, "You're very welcome," Esme said. "It will be really nice to have another sister to annoy sometimes." Emmett said, "Emmett I wouldn't annoy her right now, she can beat you up with one hand behind her back" Jasper said. "Yeah right" Emmett said, "Emmett, remember how strong you were when you first lived here?" Esme asked "Yeah but Bree is tiny" Emmett said, "I may be small but that doesn't mean I can't kick your behind!" Bree said with a smirk. "Fine you and me tomorrow at high noon" Emmett said, putting out his hand, "Done" Bree said, shaking Emmett's hand. "You're going down little girl" Emmett said, "I won't seem so little when I pin you to the ground." Bree said, "Big talk for such a small girl" Emmett said, "Speaking of big" Bree said, looking Emmett up and down.

"Bree, so when you're not a newborn anymore and have more self control, you're gonna be going to Forks High School with Alice, Bella, Edward, and Jasper," Carlisle said, "Okay, Bree said with a sad look, "Bree, what's wrong?" Esme asked, "Well, before I was turned I was a sophomore in High School and it was horrible. Everyone bullied me and I had zero friends" Bree said, "Oh honey," Esme said, giving Bree a sweet motherly hug. "If anyone bullies you then you come tell me, Alice, Bella, or Edward, and we will make sure that whoever is bullying will stop" Jasper said, "Thanks Jasper," Bree said with a small smile. 

The next day, Esme is drawing out plans for Bree's room and she asks, Bree what she would like in her room. "Well, I really like colorful things, my mate Diego always called me a creative person" Bree said, "You had a mate?" Esme asked sounding hurt, "Yeah, he was killed in the battle. If I could cry, I would be crying right now" Bree said, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry," Esme said, hugging Bree, "It's okay, I know Diego would want me to be happy and strong so I'm gonna do that for him." Bree said, "You know, it's okay to grieve" Esme said, "It is? My Dad said that grieving is for the weak" Bree said, "Well it isn't, everyone can grieve" Esme said. For what seemed like hours, Bree had her head on Esme's shoulder and was being comforted. "Okay I finished Bree's room!" Alice said excitedly, practically flying down the stairs. Bree and Esme go upstairs and when Bree walks into her room, she is amazed. 

Bree's room

"Oh my gosh I love it!" Bree said, happily

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"Oh my gosh I love it!" Bree said, happily. "I heard you said you liked colorful things so I quickly sped into town and bought basically every colorful thing they had" Alice said, "Yes, Alice just bought the stuff but Bella and me decorated" Esme said, "I love it, thanks Mom" Bree said, "You're so welcome sweetheart" Esme said, touched that Bree called her Mom. Carlisle knocked on the door, he wanted to talk to Bree about the rules and consequences. "Esme, can you come with me too? If you want to, could you please explain the rules and I'll explain the consequences" Carlisle asked, "Of course" Esme said. Bree, Carlisle and Esme, walk into Carlisle's study and Bree sits down on the small black sofa Carlisle had in his study. "Okay so I'm going to start off with the rules" Esme said, "Okay" Bree said, giving Esme all her attention.

"Okay, rule number one: Be respectful, responsible, and safe, we want to protect you and we also want to be able to trust you. Rule number two: No sneaking out, it's dangerous. Rule number three: No crossing the border." Esme said, "What's on the other side of the border?" Bree asked, "Shape-shifters, they can change from a human to a wolf whenever they want. About two-hundred years ago, we made a treaty with the shape-shifters and if any of us crossed the border then we would break the treaty" Carlisle said, "Oh okay" Bree said in understanding. Esme finished explaining all the rules so it was Carlisle's turn to explain the consequences. "Ok the consequences are: Grounding, mouth-washing, privilege loss, corner time, and spanking," Carlisle said, "S-Spanking?" Bree said nervously, "Yes, in this coven one of the punishments for misbehaving is a spanking" Carlisle said, "Honey, look, everyone in this coven has been spanked before and both me and Carlisle have found spanking to be most effective." Esme said, "I promise that I don't go too hard and I always comfort you after a spanking" Carlisle said, "Okay, I trust you" Bree said. Bree really did trust Carlisle and Esme. After all, they did save her from death and they even took her in and adopted her. Bree has a lot of trust in the Cullens.

Publish date: January 17th 2024

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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