Esme With The Girls

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I was inspired by a chapter I read in a book by Dawn732. I hope you're okay with this chapter.

"You're dog sh*t!" Rosalie yelled at Jacob, "Why don't you look in the mirror Blondie!" Jacob yelled. "Are you serious?!" Rosalie yelled furiously "Yes!" Jacob shouted. Jacob and Rosalie started arguing, their volume getting louder and louder, and more angered by each other. "What is going on here?" Esme asked, "Rosalie called me dog sh*t" Jacob said, "Jacob called me ugly" Rosalie said, "No, I told you to look in a mirror." Jacob said casually. "That's the same thing dumba**" Rosalie growled, "Enough! I told you before Carlisle and the boys left for their father and son vacation that I wanted peace! Now stop fighting and apologize to each other" Esme scolded. "Fine, I'm sorry," Rosalie said insincerely "I'm sorry too" Jacob said, using the same insincere tone as Rosalie. "Good enough. Now, Jacob, I want you to go home for now, I will let you know when you can come back." Esme said. "Yes, Ma'am, I'm sorry Ma'am" Jacob said, walking out of the room. "Rose, go to your room until I come get you," Esme said, "But Mom," Rosalie whined, "Would you rather get a spanking?" Esme asked sternly, "You won't spank me, you don't have the heart or the strength" Rosalie said and walked out of the room. Esme sat down on the couch and thought for a moment before coming to a realization. "Rose is right, I don't have the heart or strength to spank my children" Esme said to herself, a few tears streaming down her face. "Ugh, I hate how the kids will never see me as an authority figure. I have just as much authority as Carlisle. I will show Rose that I mean business. I am going to march up to her room and give her a bare bottom spanking" Esme said with confidence which quickly disappeared. "Wait...What if I hurt her? What if Rose hates me forever? Rose is right, I am too soft and loving to spank her or the rest of my children" Esme said to herself. Esme layed down on the living room couch and she was just about to close her eyes and drift off to her happy place when she heard something that sounded like an object shattering to pieces. "Oh what now?" Esme asked. Esme sped to the kitchen where the sound came from and she immediately got angry. "The counter! The plates! The windows! What happened?!" Esme yelled angrily, "Well me and Rosalie got into a little disagreement and we got into a fight" Bella said sheepishly, "Bella? This is so unlike you. You and I are going to talk and Rosalie, I told you to stay in your room until I came to get you" Esme said, "I got bored" Rosalie said casually. "That's it! Rosalie, Bella, you both are grounded for three weeks! Bella, you and I are going to talk now and then you will head up to your room. Rosalie, I want you to head up to your room right now and stay there or you will be in big trouble. Am I clear?" Esme asked sternly "Yes, Ma'am" Rosalie and Bella said, "Good, follow me Bella," Esme said. Rosalie went upstairs and Bella followed Esme to a small yet pretty lake. "Bella, what is going on? You are always so sweet and calm, you're never disobedient and you certainly don't ever attack other family members. What's going on?" Esme asked, "Everything is so stressful right now. My family thinks I'm dead, I am still getting used to being a newborn and a mother. It's just so much and I feel like Rosalie is only pretending to care about me, I think Rosalie only cares about Renesmee" Bella said, "I'm so sorry you're going through all this and I think Rosalie cares about you very much, even if she doesn't show it" Esme said. Bella and Esme talked for a couple more minutes before going back to the house. Esme gave Bella a hug before sending her upstairs. "I miss you Carlisle" Esme said, crying into one of the couch pillows. Esme decided she needed to get the girls in order but she also knew that she couldn't be the one to do it. Esme picked up the phone and called someone she knew would help her. "Eleazar, I really need your help" Esme said sadly "What's wrong?" Eleazar asked concerned "It's the girls, I...I just...They keep misbehaving. If Carlisle was here, he would've taken them into hand already but I just can't. I hate seeing my babies in pain." Esme said, a few tears streaming down her face. "Chica, breathe, relax yourself, it will all be okay" Eleazar said, "Okay," Esme cried. Eleazar talked to Esme in a calming tone about random stuff until she calmed down. Now it was time to talk about the elephant in the room. "Chica, I will be at the house tomorrow, I know you're upset but please try to hold on a little longer. Everything will be okay" Eleazar said.  Esme had to hunt and while she was out, she found that Bella snuck out of the house and Alice was smoking a cigarette by the lake. So, Esme dragged Bella and Alice to the house by their ears and practically threw Bella and Alice into their rooms. Esme was surprised at herself. She's never felt this angry and if she has, she didn't remember it. 

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