Rosalie and Jacob do NOT mix

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"Ugh, it smells like a wet dog in here and it's disgusting!" Rosalie complains. "Ugh, it smells like a bitchy brat is in here and it's disgusting" Jacob mocks "You are a f****** mongrel! Jacob!" Rosalie exclaimed annoyed "And you're a spoiled little b****! Daddy's little princess!" Jacob exclaimed, mocking Rosalie. "Oh ho! Do you want a f****** piece of me Black?!" Rosalie shouted angrily "Yes, try me! Try me b****! Try me!" Jacob shouted angrily. Just as Rosalie and Jacob were approaching each other, Emmett subdued Rosalie and Jacob was subdued by Jasper. "What is going on here?" Jasper asked "Jacob is being a f****** d***!" Rosalie shouted angrily. "Watch the language." Emmett said, landing a harsh smack to Rosalie's bottom. "Ouch! He started it!" Rosalie said. "I did not, you told me I smell like a wet dog and then you called me a f****** mongrel! So I didn't start anything!" Jacob growled "Rosalie Lillian Hale Cullen, is this true?" Emmett asked sternly "Yes, but he was getting on my nerves!" Rosalie pouted "HOW! What the hell was I doing to you?!" Jacob asked angrily "Stop, stop, stop, stop, everybody calm down," Carlisle said, walking into the living room with Esme by his side "What is going on here?" Esme asked "Oh it's just the classic case of "Rosalie got on Jacob's nerves because she wanted to start a problem to purposely annoy Jacob" happening again" Emmett said, "Rosalie, go up to your room right now," Carlisle said sternly, pointing in the direction of Rosalie's room. "Ugh" Rosalie groaned, stomping off to her room. "And you, I know your father told you to behave yourself whenever you're here and I'm sure he told you that I'm allowed to punish you," Carlisle said sternly "Yes, sir," Jacob said, "Ok, so I'm gonna give you ten smacks for swearing and being mean to Rosalie and she's gonna get the same punishment, but if this continues, you're gonna get an actual spanking on your bare bottom." Carlisle said "Yes, sir," Jacob said. Carlisle pulled Jacob over his lap and landed 10 quick hard smacks to his Jean-clad bottom. Jacob didn't make much noise except for a few small grunts. Since Jacob is a werewolf, he has a higher pain tolerance.  "Ok, I'm gonna go deal with Rosalie now," Carlisle said, heading up the stairs to Rosalie's room. "I wish you two would stop this ridiculous bickering, you two are acting like little kids," Esme said, shaking her head, "I'm sorry, I am," Jacob said, looking Esme directly in her eyes. "I know you are Jacob, but you got to learn to ignore Rosalie's mean comments," Esme said, putting a hand on Jacob's shoulder "Yes, ma'am," Jacob said, "Please, don't call me ma'am, Esme is fine," Esme said, "Ok," Jacob said. Rosalie came downstairs a few minutes later with a fake smile on her face. "Jacob, I am...So sorry, for what I said," Rosalie said insincerely. "I forgive you," Jacob said with the same insincerity. "I guess this is as sincere as these two will get with each other," Jasper said, shaking his head.

An hour later, Renesmee came downstairs, because she wanted to ask Bella and Edward if she could go play outside. "BOO!" Jacob screamed when Renesmee came around the corner. "AH!" Renesmee screamed and kicked Jacob in his balls. "Oh!" Jacob groaned, falling to the ground and holding his balls. "Oh my Gosh, Jacob, I'm so sorry," Renesmee said, helping Jacob up, "It's ok Nessie, I scared you, you were just acting on instinct, it's ok," Jacob said, hugging Renesmee. "Oh, Renesmee, don't apologize, in fact, can you do that again?" Rosalie asked with an evil smirk. "Please, don't, Renesmee," Jacob pleaded, "I won't," Renesmee giggled. "Oh, thank God," Jacob said, sighing a breath of relief. "Hey, Mom," Renesmee said, "Hi, honey," Bella said, "Mom, can I go play outside?" Renesmee asked, grabbing her hula-hoop, "Uh, sure," Bella said, "Yay, thanks Mom," Renesmee said, running outside. "What's she so happy about?" Edward asked, walking into the living room "Renesmee asked me if she could go play outside and I said yes," Bella said, "Ah, ok," Edward said, "I love how the Volturi finally decided to let Renesmee live like a normal child," Bella said, "I agree, she can finally go to an actual school and make friends," Edward said with a smile "Oh, speaking of, she has a friend coming over tonight and Renesmee is so excited for us to meet her friend! And apparently, her new friend is also a vampire," Bella said, "I'm a little suspicious of that," Edward said, "Well, we have to at least meet Renesmee's friend before we make any decisions." Bella said, "I'm at least happy that she made a friend and that she's happy," Edward said, kissing Bella on her lips.

A few hours later the doorbell rang, signifying that Renesmee's friend was over. Renesmee was so excited for everyone to meet her new friend. "Guys, this is Sunset, she's my best friend," Renesmee said, Sunset is a vampire girl with raven colored hair, yellow eyes, and a sweet personality. "Hi, Sunset, it's nice to meet you, I'm-" Alice starts but gets cut off by Sunset. "You're Alice Cullen, Jasper Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Edward Cullen, Bella Cullen Carlisle Cullen, and Esme Cullen. Renesmee told me so much about you guys, she says that you guys are the best family in the world" Sunset said, "Well, I'm glad she told you about us" Bella said with a smile. "So, Sunset, Renesmee told us that you're a vampire?" Edward asked. Sunset shoots Renesmee a scared, shocked look but Renesmee quickly defuses the situation. "Don't worry Sunset, they're vampires too, you have nothing to worry about," Renesmee said, "Oh thank God," Sunset said, feeling relieved. Another few hours passed and Sunset had to go home and shortly after she left, trouble stirred up with Rosalie and Jacob. "Do not sh*t talk about my mother! My mother was a saint! She was the best human being in the entire world!" Jacob shouted "I don't believe that, she raised you, she must also be a dirty mongrel" Rosalie said sassily "YOU LITTLE B****!" Jacob shouted. Rosalie and Jacob got into a fist fight but it didn't last long. The Cullens came rushing into the living room and Jacob and Rosalie were subdued by Emmett and Jasper. "Emmett, let me go! I wasn't done trying to KILL HIM!!" Rosalie shouted, "No, you need to calm down first," Emmett states, "What is going on now!?" Esme demands. "Rosalie was sh*t talking about my mother, she said that my mother must be a dirty mongrel just like me," Jacob cried "Rosalie, Lillian, Hale, Cullen, did you actually say that to him?" Carlisle asked sternly "Yes, I did," Rosalie said, "Emmett, take her upstairs to her room and stay with her until I come up," Carlisle said, "Ok, Dad," Emmett said, taking Rosalie's wrist and leading her to her room. "I'm sorry, I know you said to just ignore Rosalie's mean comments but when she started crap talking about my mother, it hurt a lot. My mother died in a car crash and her body was mangled pretty bad and when Rosalie started to bad mouth my mother, I...I snapped." Jacob said, sitting on the couch and crying into his hands. "Oh, Jacob, I'm so sorry," Esme said, sitting down next to Jacob and giving him a much-needed hug. "I know I'm gonna be spanked for my actions and even though I don't want to admit it, I deserve it, I deserve a spanking, what I did was wrong," Jacob said "Jacob, look at me, I'm so proud of you for owning up to your actions, and I'm so sorry for what happened to your mother." Carlisle said empathetically "Thanks," Jacob said, "Ok, now...Comes the dreaded part," Carlisle said, sitting down on the couch. Jacob already knew what Carlisle meant so Jacob just laid himself over Carlisle's lap without saying a word. "Jacob, just know that I'm doing this for your own good and that it'll be over before you know it. "Yes, sir," Jacob said. Without warning, Carlisle started spanking Jacob.

Since Jacob is a werewolf, his pain tolerance is a little higher than when he was a normal human being. Jacob was making small grunts here and there but it wasn't until Carlisle pulled down Jacob's jeans and boxers that Jacob broke.  SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "OWW!! OWWW!! CARLISLE PLEASE STOP!!" Jacob pleaded "Jacob you know I don't tolerate fighting or swearing" Carlisle said while smacking Jacob's bottom "I-I-I-I'M SS-SOR-SORRY!!" Jacob shouts sobbing.  "PLEASE CARLISLE STOP!!" Jacob shouted "You have five more and then you're gonna stand in the corner for twenty minutes" Carlisle says rubbing Jacob's back "Yes sir" Jacob sobs SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK
"Ok, Jacob, I want you to stand in the corner for twenty minutes, and then you can come out and relax for a bit," Carlisle said, leading Jacob to the corner "Yes, sir," Jacob said. "Ok, now Rosalie's turn," Carlisle sighed, heading upstairs. "Hey, Dad," Emmett said as Carlisle walked into Rosalie's room. "Ok, so I know that you didn't tell me to do this but, I just punished Rosalie for her actions," Emmett said, pointing to the corner Rosalie was standing in. "Thank you, Emmett, I appreciate that," Carlisle said, patting Emmett on the shoulder, "Anytime, Dad," Emmett said. Carlisle walks downstairs, relieved that he doesn't have to spank another person. 20 minutes pass and Jacob can finally come out of the corner. Jacob and Rosalie both agree that they might be able to come to an understanding but it probably won't last long.

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