Ayana was taught from a young age about the loving planetary consciousness of Mother Goddess Sanuela. She learned that the planet, as a whole, is a living, conscious, and loving organism and wanted to be treated as such by her children, with care and kindness. The people of Sanuela are taught to treat humans, plants, animals, and the land itself with their highest respect and love, taking only what is necessary and giving back more than what was taken.
The teachings Ayana received in Sanuela's learning circles showed her how Mother Goddess Sanuela was sharing parts of her vast consciousness with all her inhabitants. She emanates soul particles, forming together to bigger structures, until they perceived themselves as individual beings with an understanding of I AM. The people of Sanuela welcomed this partial separation from their goddess, but they also treasured the WE ARE, where they could recognise the interconnectedness of all beings and all loving consciousness.
Ayana discovered that the condensed planetary consciousness was not only limited to the physical realm, but was also extended to the spiritual and emotional realms. She was taught that by developing a connection to the loving energies of the universe, she could become more aware of her innermost thoughts and feelings, and how they were influencing her life on Sanuela. By learning to honour and respect the energies of the universe, Ayana could create a life as she desired. She progressively learned and was shown how to guide her inner energies and feelings in the directions that she wanted to grow. When her heart was wide open, her personal universe would then create all the necessary situations for her next steps of growth.
For this to work in a non-egocentric, giving, and interconnected way, she needed to connect with her heart, as well as to deeply and lovingly feel connected with something much larger than herself so that she could remain humble and recognise her place in the universe of all beings.
On the other hand, Mother Goddess Sanuela revealed to the inhabitants of her planet about the power of love and consciousness, which can be used to reach tremendous potential. Whether it is to become a star, planet, or even a sun, humans have the capability to develop an entirely new type of entity.
There was an understanding everyone on Sanuela shared: the planets were gods to the people, each one with its own unique personality, frequency, and strength. Everyone on Sanuela had a special relationship with them; they saw the planets as vast forms of condensed consciousness and understood that, long ago, they may have been humans on a planet just like Sanuela. Grown so wise, so powerful, so balanced in themselves, and so full of over bursting love, they had transcended physical form – taking on the form of their home planet and becoming a goddess or a god themselves. Because of this understanding, it felt natural for everyone to see their goddesses and gods as living beings to interact and communicate with directly.
The people of Sanuela sought to remain connected to the divine energies of the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moons by offering love prayers, rituals, and symbolic gifts in homage to their gods. They also held festivals in honour of these celestial beings, knowing that gatherings of love and connection would bring more peace and harmony into their lives. In loving reverence, they even named their days of the moon after the gods, just like people from other planets had done.
For Ayana, connecting to the energies of Sanuela was an everyday experience. Her whole being was physically interconnected with her, every single day of her life. Ayana's clothing, food, the shelter she lived in, all of her belongings, even her body, were composed of tiny goddess particles, made from the condensed spores of Sanuela's loving and ever-giving consciousness. Every day she stood and walked and sat on what she knew to be the holy grounds of her home planet. How could Ayana not love it?
Ayana saw so many other souls wandering down paths that made them feel more detached and alone than ever before. She pitied those who could not see beyond their perspective, or not sense the compassionate interconnectedness among all beings in the universe.
High Priestess of Sanuela
Fantasía″Don't be afraid of becoming your highest light and deepest love. Trust and follow. In freeing yourself, you will free the others.″ A fire fairy butterfly, spirit and keeper of the flames, offers the young woman Ayana to follow the calling of her i...