Chapter 5

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"Uh nothing. Just erm nervous you know. New school and everything" my palms started to feel sweaty. I try to eat my food casually, i need to change topic now.

"So-" I get interrupted by Valentines hand squeezing my thigh. I bite my lip holding in a gasp.

"And everything huh?" Lorenzo starts.

"Lascia perdere fratello. Non vogliamo metterla a disagio" Soon cut off my Valentines, he slightly shakes his head at his brother.

Drop it brother. We don't want to make her uncomfortable.

Lorenzo moves back in his seat stretching his legs, "do you want us to take you to the mall after school? We could get some food"

I lift my head slightly, looking between the both of them. "Yeah sure, thank you"

They both nodded their heads at me as they continued eating, but I could feel both of them observing me.

"So, don't you 2 have friends?" I let the smile on my face show, trying to not be rude.

Valentine chuckled lightly, as Lorenzo shook his head smiling answering. "Si, we told him to leave us alone today for you"

My eyebrows scrunched at the statement, "I don't want them to think I'm rude."

"They don't think of it like that, don't worry" Lorenzo reassured me.

I simply nodded, relaxing back in my seat now that the dream of them was slowly disappearing.

The rest of the day went smoothly, people continued to stare at me. Well, girls should I say, but nobody said anything.

I texted Valentine that I would be waiting outside the car straight after my last lesson. Lorenzo would be probably me mad but, oh well.

As I'm leaning up against the car door my phone rings, I look down to see "Lolli🍭" flashing on my screen.

"Uh hello?"

"Are you by the car now?" I roll my eyes.

"Yes" thanks for the hello I guess.

"We will be there in a few minutes our friends ran into us, is that okay bambina?"


I hesitate, I didn't expect him to ask if it's okay to talk to their friends like this.

"Obviously" I chuckle.

As he is about to respond I see something out of the corner of my eye, I turn my head see 2 girls standing behind me.

They walk around the car until they are in front of me.

———Lorenzo POV———
"Okay see you in a- hang up"
I scrunch my eyebrows as we turn away from our friends, hearing another girl in the distance saying hang up.

"Excuse me?" I hear Purse ask confused.

"Bellezza who is that?" I ask

Then the line goes dead.

———Persephone POV ———
The brunette in-front of me snatches my phone, pressing the red button before tossing my phone on the ground.

"Well that was rather rude" I exclaim

"Who are you?!" The blonde screeches at me.

"Me? You're the ones that walked up to me" I question. I could feel my pulse rising.

"We know the twins, why are you even touching their car?" The blonde asks, hands on her hip.

Before I could respond the brunette finally speaks.

"I'm Lisa, this is Cathy. We are the twins girlfriends. So who the hell are you?" Lisa sneers at me.

My eyebrows raise automatically as confusion sets in.

"I'm Persephone, I didn't know they have girlfriends. What's that got to do with me?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"You've been leeching off them all damn day" Cathy replies with her teeth clenched.

"What the hell?!"

I look behind the girls to see the twins walking over quickly, both looking angry. I look around to see only a few people nearby. Great.

"Babe hi-" Lisa gets cut off almost immediately.

"I'm not your babe idiota" Lorenzo replies stepping closer to her. "We broke up with you both a year ago, get that into your thick heads" Lorenzos voice increased volume with each word.


Valentine stood in-front of me, staring daggers into Cathy. I'm guessing that's his ex?

"Leave" Val spat out.

I took a deep breath trying to calm down, their accent was even more insinuated now.

The girls stayed frozen for a second, their eyes gleaming, before turning on their heel speed walking away.

"Soo, you guys have girlfriends?" I asked.

"No" Lorenzo tutted.

"Had" Valentine chimed in, before unlocking the car and getting in. Soon followed by me and Lorenzo.

The atmosphere in the car is gloomy.

It only took around 10 minutes to get to the mall, once the car was in park I remained seated.

Chancing between asking and not. They still seemed irritated.

I cleared my throat waiting for them to make the first move, as I looked out the window. I remember coming to this mall with them often as kids.

"We was only with them for like 3 days. We wanted to see what it was like to have a girlfriend, and to have separate ones. We hated it, ended it as soon as it started." Lorenzo stated.

"The whole school knows we are rich, Italian and good looking so people like to watch us. Lisa and Cathy are popular like us, so we guessed we should just get with them. When it ended it hurt their ego and reputation. So they just tell people we are still together, everyone knows we aren't and they know it. But they try to fake it infront of everyone. Honestly, we don't care usually. Doesn't effect us, and it's not like we are looking for another girlfriend so we just ignored them." As Lorenzo spoke I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"Obviously a mistake" Valentine sighed, leaning back in the drivers seat.

"Oh... okay" OKAY? Is that all you could come up with brain???

I looked up to see them both looking at me, turned in their seats.

"Okay?" Valentine questions.

"I-I don't really know what else to say." I shrugged.

I am so lame.

"Does it bother you?" Lorenzo questioned.

I thought for a moment, I already knew it got to me in some way. But I can't exactly say that to them like a creepy freak after all these years.

"W-well it was years ago when we knew each other. I can't be angry that you was just being normal."

"Hm, but are you?" Lorenzo hummed.

I stared into his eyes, I could see what he was doing. I knew what he was asking, but my mouth didn't seem to shut up.

"You're both hot like Greek god hot, shouldn't insult yourself saying words like good looking." I smiled at them as I left the car. Hopefully embarrassing myself will embarrass them to move on from this topic.

I don't know if I still like them, I don't know them well enough to say that I do. I definitely don't dislike them. Seemings they have repeatedly made me turned on by saying the bare minimum i definitely don't dislike them.

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