Chapter 6

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Valentine POV

"Damn" I chuckled as my brother let out a breathy laugh.

"She really does have an attitude problem" Lorenzo replied.

"Mhm" I agreed. We watched her out the window as she seemed to be playing a game on her phone sitting on a bench.

"She really is beautiful" I looked over to my twin, watching him be in a daze as he stared at Persephone softly.

We had only seen this softness in each other when it came to her. We were devastated when we stopped seeing her, but we realised this is what happens when people grow up.

All of us had better things to do, but we regret not sparing time to tell her about it all. We thought it was a blessing when our parents told us that she will be staying with us for a while. Now, we had time to catch up on lost time.

Our feelings quickly resurfaced when our eyes met hers, we didn't need words to remember why we loved her so long ago.

Shortly after my brother and I had a talk, but we didn't need to say much to know how we felt. Ever since we was little we knew we was bonded, more than blood. But by soul.

We couldn't imagine growing apart, even as children. Every joy we experienced we wanted the other to feel it. Every memory we wanted to look back on and see each other there.

For a while we used to call each other soul mates, we soon stopped as we grew older and knew people would probably think it strange. Of course we would never have a sexual interaction with each other, but the thought of sharing a partner. Sharing any sexual intimacy together excited us beyond words.

We knew what each of us felt in situations, whether it be body language or a gut feeling. But we knew, perhaps that explains why we feel bonded. But we know each other in and out like no other. Nobody will understand how we see each other.

Then there is Persephone. She understands us, sometimes before we realise our selves how we feel. We thought maybe that would of went away, maybe she didn't have a clue who we are now and us her.

But that quickly disappeared when we spoke to her, speaking to her was as if speaking to each other. Easy. Simple.

Even when I say nothing she speaks to me, she understands my facial expressions clearly, when to everyone else I look pissed off. She can see how I feel.

"Brother?" Lorenzo spoke to me.

I looked over to him, both of us not expecting me to answer.

"You spaced" he smirked at me.

A bad habit of mine.

I roll my eyes at him as I look over to Persephone, my face hardening quickly as I watch her speaking to someone.

Persephone POV
Oh god oh god oh god.

As soon as I sat on the bench I stared blankly at my word search. My eyes just seeing GREEK GODS spelled on the screen.

Why did I say that? I could of smoothly exited that conversation but no no. My brain checked out while my mouth ran with no filter.

My internal rant was quickly ended by a tap on my shoulder.


I look over to see a handsome man took over me. I smile politely.

"Uh I'm not really paying attention I guess" I advert my eyes feeling awkward. I can feel the twins eyes on me.

"I can help with that"

The insinuation behind the wink made me extremely uncomfortable.

"I think I can figure that out myself" I replied flatly as I locked my phone.

He smiled at me, "well if you need help let me get your number"

Is this dude for real?

I stared blankly at the phone. After a couple seconds I raised my eyebrow looking him in the eye, a questioning look briefing his face.

"Erm that means type your number into my phone?" The stranger replied with a duh tone.

"You ready bambina?" I didn't need to look at Lorenzos face to hear the anger in his voice.

The stranger looked over at them, sighing before meeting their eyes.

He unsubtly took a step back. Both of the twins showing anger in their face, shoulders tense flexing their muscles as a result.

I almost swooned.

"Oh uh excuse me" the man made his exit, avoiding the glare off the twins.

"Oh thank god, you took ages" I slightly scolded them.

"What?" Confusion written on Lorenzos face. As he looked over at Valentine he recognised amusement in his eyes.

"Fratello?" Lorenzo asked his twin.


Valentine lightly chuckled, shaking his head, watching Persephone closely.

"I didn't want to talk to him, would of been nice if you came over sooner." I told Lorenzo.

"How are we meant to know you didn't want his number?" Lorenzo expressed with his arms crossed.

"If you didn't know, then why did you come over at all?" I felt glee watching Lorenzos surprise take over. "Didn't you want me take it?" I questioned.

"No" he exhaled roughly. I looked over to Valentine, seeing no disagreement written on his face.

I felt stumped, not really expecting that answer.

"Uh w-why?" My brain was racing trying to think of an answer.

"Why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"You tell me"

"I'm not a mind reader Lorenzo"

"Then try guess obviously"

"Why?! Just tell me" I exasperated.

He raised his eyebrow at me, igniting the fire in my eyes as we stared each other down.

Valentine found amusement watching their interactions, sure they both had anger issues. But it was funny watching Lorenzo finding a worthy opponent, one with a short fuse as well made this better.

With a tut he walked over to Persephone.

"Come on Principessa" I felt Valentine kiss my head gently, holding my waist as he walked me to the entrance.

For a couple minutes Lorenzo dragged behind us. "I'm sorry, we just feel protective of you is all" he spoke as he held my hand.

"Protective huh?" I sassed as I looked up at him.

I watched his chest inhale deeply, my free hand tingled slightly wanting to feel it.

"Something like that yes" he watched me.

"Okay" I replied, looking straight ahead. Willing the blush to disappear.

"Hm?" I turned my head to glance at Valentine, his features showing doubt.

"What?" I breathed out. Heat was radiating on my waist and hand, almost becoming too much after being worked up all day.

"You aren't angry about that?" Lorenzo questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders as I guided them towards the food court.

"I feel like some burgers, that okay?"

"You're avoiding" Valentine tutted.

"Why would I be angry? We've known each other since children so I don't care. I was already turning him down when you come over" I cleared my throat suddenly needing a drink.

"Hm" they both replied.

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