Chapter 21

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I silenced my thoughts as Lorenzo and Valentine made their way over to our table. The three of us already had our lunch, Sofia likes to make us home cooked meals for school.

It's refreshing, I don't remember the last time I had a pack lunch back home. Other people did, but I never thought bad of my parents for it. They worked hard to have the nice family house, clothes and cars. Even now when they're on a cruise around the world for a vacation they're still working.

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye as Chastity moved her chair right over. I laughed quietly at the action. The group, including myself, had grown accustomed to the twins always sitting next to me.

A chair was scraped against the floor as Lorenzo sat him self down. He smirked at me.

"What?" He asked as I glared at him.


"You said no violence" he shrugged, "where's our pat on the back?" His lips stretched until he was grinning ear to ear.

I huffed as I turned to find Valentine.

Jason occupied himself with his work while Valentine leaned over his shoulder watching him.

"You know what he's doing?" I ask him surprised.

Valentine nodded as he patted Jason on the back, only furthering my curiosity even more. With Valentine standing back up to his full height as he turned his attention to me.

He watched me expectantly as I tried to read his face.

Valentine spoke even less at school if possible, although I have guessed he did speak to his friends. But I had doubts it was more than one worded answers.

Regardless, they seemed to like his company. Warmth spread within me knowing they accepted his behaviour, they still got him involved into conversations knowing he won't reply.

Memories of when we was 9 flashed through me. It was off the charts the amount of fights Lorenzo had gotten into the past month, he hid his reasonings from everyone.

Except me. Lorenzo had told me in secret under his bed as Valentine watched the door. Valentine was getting bullied, excluded for his behaviour, it broke my heart and I cried.

I cried so much both brothers had to squash me between them to stop me from being so loud. Then Lorenzo whispered his secret to me, he was fighting every boy and even some girls that was being mean to Lorenzo.

Not long after Valentine started to fight back himself, and nobody wanted to mess with the 2 of them.

I remember how worried their parents were at their behaviour, but I kept their secret.

I would of done anything for them.

My eyebrows shot up when Valentines nose found mine, concern lacing his eyes. I must of zoned out.

I breathed out, watching him blink as my breath fanned his face.

"You need a chair" I state, slowing my rapidly beating heart.

One flawless eyebrow shot up, I read his face as one of expectancy.

I leaned back slightly as I realised what he was trying to tell me. The glare returns to my eyes as I watch him.

I blush as I hear the whispers around us, tables of people watching us like a reality TV show.

I heaved a heavy sigh as I look back to Lorenzo, only his eyes were heated watching us.

Maybe if I didn't know him I'd think he was just watching us like others, but I'd recognise that gaze anywhere.

His blue orbs partially shielded away with hooded lids, mouth slightly agape as his tongue darted out to roll over his bottom lip.

I stand quickly, maybe a little too quickly as I knock into Jason.

"Woah where's the fire?" Ian asks as he straightens Jason back up in the chair.

"Uh" I clear my throat looking back to Lorenzo, only seeing him smirking back at me.

"Sorry" I mumble apologetically to Jason, stepping away from my chair allowing Valentine to take my place.

Jason waves his hand at me, brushing off the incident as he continues whatever he was doing.

Once Valentine is sat down he pulls me to his lap, locking his arms around my waist as I try to stand back up.

My gaze catches his, daring me to try leave him.

Embarrassed, I turn back to my forgotten food as I continue eating.

"What did you say to them?" Nathan asks, his need for gossip made me smile into my pasta.

Everyone acted as if this position was normal, which allowed me to relax in his arms.

Slowly, Valentine released me to tuck into his own food.

"Not enough" Lorenzo grumbled beside me.

"That would be enough for me" Chasity stated.

"No it wouldn't" Jasmine and I stated at the same time.

Chasity laughed with us, eventually nodding in agreement looking back to Nathan with love in her eyes.

"Thank god it wasn't" Nathan replied.

"How did you two get together?" I ask, realising I haven't asked them over the past few days of knowing them.

Apart of me wanted to change this topic, wanting to find out privately what they told them. She didn't want to freak out in-front of everyone here.

"She wouldn't leave him alone" Jasmine laughs as Chasity scolded her.

When everyone settled down, Chasity began.

"We had hooked up a couple times and I wanted to make it official. But someone didn't want to give it a chance" she told, emphasising on someone as she turned to Nathan.

"I just didn't want a girlfriend" he shrugged sheepishly. I could swear I seen shame in his eyes.

"Well he made it quite clear he wasn't looking for anything serious, took a couple weeks but-" Chasity was interrupted by her partner.

"She's a strong woman and knew what she wanted. Major turn on by the way" he smiled at her. Although playfulness graced his tone, underneath was just confidence.

"It was a long and painful chase" Ian spoke.

"I know" Chasity sighed leaning into Nathan.

"Oh no. I mean for us. Just hearing him blabber on and on about how he wants her and can't stop thinki- AH" Ian screeched as Nathan smacked the back of his head.

"How long has it been now?" I asked Chasity, leaving the boys to bicker.

"Almost a year" she smiled.

Valentine pulled me back against his chest after I finished eating.

"Are you okay?" He spoke into my ear quietly.

The rumble of his chest brought me comfort, although the vibrations were sent straight to my core.

I nodded my head enjoying the warmth, people had looked away long ago. If I had to guess, one of the brothers gave them a glare.

The bell rang soon after our short conversation, signalling it was time for classes.

I packed up my stuff feeling heated by them, but also a sweet feeling in my stomach. Chasity and Nathan were great together, you could see the passion as they spoke to each other. Only making me wonder what the future would hold.

I only had more classes and then I was going to watch them practice.

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