Chapter 12

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I already knew I wanted to kiss him. I might of leaned forward if Lorenzo didn't snap me out of my daze.

I cleared my throat, nodding my head looking down to avert my eyes. I peaked up at Valentine under my lashes, not missing the way his lips turned upwards.

"Hm" I looked to Lorenzo to his hurt in his eyes as he looked around my face. My brows creased together in confusion.

That doesn't mean I don't want to kiss him...

I glanced at his lips, racking my mind on how to approach this. Since forever I've only ever pictured me with both of them, I don't even think there was a time I seen it any other way.

I adverted my eyes to Valentine, his eyes showing guilt for his brother I assume. Without thinking I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Valentines.

His plumped lips freezing, before moving back against back. I pulled back before things could escalate.

Next I casted myself on to Lorenzo, seeing his shock at what he's just witnessed. I gently grabbed his face with both hands, forcing him to look at me.

Without hesitation I moved my lips onto his, almost immediately he kissed me back. He bit my lip, making me gasp in shock. His tongue graced my mouth, grabbing my waist to stop me from moving back.

His tongue sweep against mine, his taste was addicting. After a couple seconds he moved back, his eyes hooded as he spoke, "that was for scaring the shit outta me".

My insides twisted together in delight after the gentle kiss. "You've been unfair Bellezza" Lorenzo murmured. His hands gripping my waist firmly as his breath fanned my face.


I shook my head at the statement. Looking to Valentine to tell me what I've done wrong, wanting to do anything to make them happy in this moment. My mind was clouded by something I haven't felt before, giving me a sort of high.

Submission. Capitulation. Compliance for them. My body hummed delightfully.

Valentine stared back at me, something in his eyes I couldn't recognise. It felt dangerous but oddly alluring at the same time.

Lorenzos lips reached my ear, "you didn't let him taste that pretty tongue of yours bambina"


Heat invaded every cell within me Valentine gripped the back of my neck. Bringing me face closer to his, I fisted Lorenzos shirt hard as our lips met.

Valentines tongue licked my bottom lip, I accepted his invitation straight away. His kiss was much harder than Lorenzos. Knocking the air out me instantly as he his tongue reached my throat. I squeezed my thighs together, suppressing the moan threatening to escape me into Valentines mouth.

It wasn't long until he pulled away, leaving me panting as both brothers kissed my cheek, standing up to uncover the snacks they retrieved.

My daze fading with each breath I took. I must be bright red by now, I squirmed on my bean bag, feeling uncomfortable and still turned on by my wetness.

While the twins spoke softly to each other I looked at their bulges licking my lips. They were both hard, the sweatpants they wore leaving nothing to the imagination.


They had to be at least 7 inches.

I closed my eyes holding my breath. Focusing on anything that's not them right now.

"Bambina" Lorenzo held my throat. I opened my eyes releasing the breath I was holding, my heart sped up even faster seeing how close he was to me again.

"You can't keep doing that. Just tell us if something is wrong" he peered down at me, worry in his eyes.

I nodded trying to relax. I can't tell them that I'm so horny I can't think straight.

He kissed my temple, grabbing my hand to bring me towards the bed. My thoughts couldn't stop running with dirty images.

Oh get yourself together woman. It was only a damn kiss.

Textbooks and notepads laid in the centre of the bed. With snacks lining across the side. We sat in a large circle, there was plenty of room seeing it was a super king size.

"Don't worry yourself bellezza. This goes at your pace, whether you want to stop this or not. It's your choice, we will wait. Let you get to know us again" Lorenzo nodded to me as I crossed my legs.


I licked my lips looking between them, I couldn't see any doubt on their faces.

"W-what if you don't like me, like you did when we was kids?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. I wasn't sure if what I felt was lust or something deeper.

Valentine chuckled, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Trust us bambina, we won't stop. We've tried, I doubt you could stop us" Lorenzo shrugged, a smile clear on his face.


They tried how?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

My head snapped to the door as I was pulled from my thoughts. After a second Luca, their father came in carrying Sofias cookies.

I turned to observe the twins, they didn't seem tense or angry like earlier. But their walls were built high, guarded.

"Hello" Luca cleared his throat, "you forgot these. Thought I'd bring them as a peace offering" he joked.

"Thank you" I replied to fill the silence.

Luca nodded as he put the tray down on the bed, hearing Lorenzo sigh brought my attention back to him.

"Thank you papa" Lorenzo replied, Valentine staying silent. Still.

Luca glanced at me before turning back to his sons, "Sai che non volevo spaventare i suoi ragazzi." I occupied myself with a cookie, my eyes barely leaving Valentines face. I think if a fight started, he'd be the one to throw the first punch. His anger was always more explosive than Lorenzo.

You know I didn't mean to scare her boys.

Both nodded at their dad, becoming relaxed slowly.

Luca thrown them a small smile, getting two in return. As he turned to leave he said over his shoulder, "No funny business". The door shut shortly after.

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